Rock Star
Platinum Level
Today I was playing all day and always loosing all ins with AA AK 99+, because I had around 20bb I had to go all in. But it didn't work all day. I lost only with good hands. just few minutes ago AK 15bb all in was called by 63s and I lost because he catched a 6. When It happens to me I just start to feel like I don't want to go all in preflop at all))You find many players of this type at low limits, playing at this level, one of the good strategies that you can use against them is to go all in with premium cards, strong hands like (AA, KK or AK) be patient until you hold one of these hands and go all in in the same proportion as them and play aggressively with hands like (QQ, AQ, JJ, AJs, 1010, KQs) always in position.