The start of the tourny coz many fishes have 100% spectr of hands
do not be a coward xaxawa! and next time calling me please dont pissing to use Ukrainian (which i understand perfectly, coz im from UA) or Englishbut not russian words in latin transliteration! Good Luck next time, chat destroyer
The end....when I come second place and thoughts rush through my mind like ... why oh why do I play so bad HU😢😢😢
Phil yes this is true probably very strong fieldsThe hardest part is the final table. Especially if you move up and play $50-$100 tournaments.. Those guys are da nutz, and they will 3bet you. every. single. hand. They really know how to use position and stack sizes and ICM all balanced in their attack, making it very difficult to win these monster final tables without running really hot. That's why it's important to always get better so that you can play with the sharks when it's time! Because I can promise you those guys did not get there by luck (ok maybe 1 or 2 did)