Platinum Level
JJ starting pair can be compared to pocket AKs: it looks good, but it's hard to win a lot with it. Jacks cause a lot of problems for beginners who analyze their game: how to play, how much to bet, when to fold, when to bet all the chips. The main and common mistake is that players overestimate the strength of a pair of jacks. Preflop this is a really good hand, but already on the flop it becomes very vulnerable. In addition, it is extremely difficult to strengthen such a combination. These two factors mean one thing: you should not put all your chips into this combination. Pre-flop you will often be called with an ace, king or queen, and any appearance of such cards on the flop will put you in an uncomfortable position. Getting out of it tied to the bank with high rates is almost impossible. Therefore, even preflop with JJ, you should not act too aggressively.