Hello, well here is the state of play, with a few gaps. I'll update it with official positions when I get them.
Bolcs5 is looking good with all 5 players remaining. An inspired Hungarian selection for sure! PreciousLor, The Audition, millarski and withawedge also looking good.
PreciousLor............................ Welly ...................................GreatDane
Joseph Hachem 86950 chips...... Ram Vaswani ........................Doyle Brunson OUT DAY1
Dave Devilfish 22700 chips .........Men Nguyen ..........................Sam Farha OUT DAY1
Dave Colcloth ...........................Scotty Nguyen 20200 chips...... Dan Harrington OUT DAY1
Daniel Negreanu 85800 chips .....Annie Duke 26725 chips ..........Daniel Negreanu 85800 chips
Tony G OUT DAY1.................... Phil Hellmuth OUT DAY1......... Phil Laak
Medeiros13............................ TheAudition........................... robwhufc
Phil Ivey 16675 chips ................Harrington OUT DAY1 ..............Andrew Black26775 chips
Dan Harringon OUT DAY1......... Ivey16675 chips....................... Roland de Wolfe
Marcel Luske OUT DAY1.......... Raymer 45800 chips................ Patrick Antonious
Todd Brunson........................... Hellmuth OUT DAY1............... Gavin Smith
Jeff Goveia 13125 chips............. Darrel Dicken 95025 chips ...... Young Phan
millarski .................................Fish......................................... Lucas23
Marcel Luske OUT DAY1........... Mike Mizarchi OUT DAY1 ..........Chris Ferguson 20200 chips
Greg Raymer 45800 chips.......... Raymer 45800 chips................. TJ Cloutier OUT DAY1
Phil Ivey 16675 chips................. Sklansky ..................................Tuan Le
Johnny Chan OUT DAY1............ MatusowOUT DAY1 ..................C.Tate 23000 chips
Chris Ferguson 20200 chips........ Andy Bloch ..............................F.Pedersen
bolcs5....................................... blindstealers ..........................withawedge
Richard Toth11275 chips............. Greg Raymer 45800 chips .........Annie Duke 26725 chips
Daniel Varro13300 chips.............. Daniel Negreanu 85800 chips ....Phil Hellmuth OUT DAY1
Robert Varkonyi 55275 chips........ Dave Ulliot 22700 chips ............Greg Raymer 45800 chips
Phil Ivey 16675 chips................... Doyle Brunson OUT DAY1........ Dan Harrington OUT DAY1
Annie Duke 26725 chips.............. Mark Seif ................................Scotty Nguyen 14350 chips
Looks like your friend survived Medeiros13
Will update later in the week.
ps if anyone knows about the players with gaps, let me know