Platinum Level
If I am playing a regular tournament within my average buy-in, I would never chop or make any deal whatsoever. If I believe I can beat the average field of this regular buy-in range and if I think I have good chances of winning the tournament, I will not spend focus and energy thinking about chopping or trying to convince others of doing it.
However, I would chop in some specific circumstances:
However, I would chop in some specific circumstances:
- If I am playing a bigger event where the prizes are really big and the score would make a huge difference in my life, maybe a Sunday Million or a WSOP event, for example.
- If the situation demands, like I am really tired because the tournament took a lot more time than expected.
- If I believe I am an underdog vs. a skillful great player who is better than me.
- If we are really short stacked in the Heads-up, like in turbos or hypers, where the tournament would be decided in some random all-in. If I can't play to realize my theoretical edge, why not to chop right away?