Infinity Objective
Silver Level
I work exceptionally hard and have spent my entire career networking. Networking has enabled me to meet some of the best in the industry, discussing with them has enabled my gane to grow dramatically.
If you want to make it in the industry it requires hard work and volume. No way around it. In fact starting yesterday, between then and April 9th I have 4 scheduled days off. I expect to work more than 500 hours over the next 11 weeks. Ill then get 3 weeks to relax, then from start of may until end of July ill work around 700 hours.
If i didnt love the game and didnt desire to be successful this grind would burn me out. Also itd burn me out if i didnt find balance every day (hangout with fiance every day before I go work).
Thank you for your transparency. I intentionally handicapped the questions because getting to know you here, I thought you were up to the task. Your answers were in depth, personal, and show a work ethic equivalent parallel to the greatest successes of our time within and outside of poker.
Maybe, we’ll get back to question 1 when you are in the 8-9 figure range in earnings which apparently your talent (and love of the game maintaining) will be commensurate that kind of success - we're rooting for you and Chris. You are a real master.