Worst play ever, or "How I Tilted out of the Sunday PS event"



Silver Level
Dec 13, 2006
Total posts
Its way too early to gang up and eliminate one player. Maybe when top 3, but now its all about accumulating chips.
Otherwise, you wouldnt have reraised preflop, but let others in cheaply so shortstack has less chances, right?

So what youre complaining about is what you did yourself preflop.

Now postflop, either fold to flop bet or take a stabd at representing the strength you did preflop.

I mean sure you could question the play of other 2 all you want, but to suggest its somehow wrong or whatever, is misplaced. The guy who pushed the 3s ended up with money that he wouldnt have had otherwise. It was either a brilliant studied move or just throwing money around, but thats irrelevant. Whats the point of eliminating one of many players when youre losing chips?


Rock Star
Silver Level
Oct 1, 2006
Total posts
(this thread developed into a belter!).
I know . . . I've been trying to put it to bed, but -- well, the old "Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in. . . ." comes to mind. . . .
So what youre complaining about is what you did yourself preflop.
Yeah, I think I've already conceded a few times that I myself played quite badly here -- although, of course, only with the best of intentions -- and the "worst play ever" reference might as well be pointed at me. Anyway, we've beaten this dead horse into horseradish (attn: the nonsensical reference alert level has just been elevated to red) and this whole thing is, like, so two weeks ago already, so maybe we should just move on. . . .

Of course, I really do appreciate everyone's thoughtful and helpful (in some cases;)) comments, and I certainly wouldn't want to discourage anyone from continuing this thread just because I put it on my forum backburner, ok?!!
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