Basketball is my favorite by far. Huge NBA fan and also follow NCAA and High School basketball. I used to work at a gym where I could practice as long as I wanted with the whole court to myself overnight but I just switched jobs 3 months ago that pays more but I haven't had time to go to the gym and train.
I'm in my prime at 28, am very athletic and average to tall (6'2") with 6'4" wingspan. I can windmill, tomahawk, 360 dunk, self ally-oop, you name it. Most gyms I go to, I'm one of, if not the best player and shooter there, also usually the most athletic. My passing and court vision is also one of my best attributes as well as shot-block timing on the defensive end.
I never played professionally anywhere because of life circumstances and possibly because I'm just not good or big and strong enough or lack of actual league experience, but I've been told I could play college or overseas by a ton of people. Now, I just play to stay sharp and in shape both mentally and physically. I want to train shooting mechanics to kids and young adults as a side job since I had a shooting mentor as a teenage who taught me how to shoot the ball as proficiently as I do today.
Basketball will always be a passion of mine.