1) vs Continuation Bet > Turn Check-Raise CB
What exactly do you mean by 'missed flop'? You missed the flp and only have A hi? Or are you just referring to missed flop cbet?
3) Bet vs Missed CBet>Flop Bet vs Missed CB
4a) Delayed CBet>Delayed Turn CBet
4b) Bet vs Missed CBet>Turn Bet vs Missed Flop CB OOP
thank you for answer questions
I think I am trying to find a data shows
Flop Cbet VS missed flop = if a preflop original raiser with a caller either in position or off position, and when this original raise checks flop, that caller fires a bet in position on flop or fires a bet off position on turn. [don't know if that data in the list I understand correctly, but that is kind of data I need]
Turn delayed Cbet VS missed flop = if a preflop raiser get called in a multiway pot, everyone checks on flop actually, then, on the turns, if any play who are NOT original preflop raiser , fires a leading out bet, or fires a bet in position if all player checks again. [ I do need this data in the micro stack cash table when a raise with a bunch of mixed bags call, and all check flop, turn, someone donkey....I need this one to put them in maths equation to analysis
bluff percentage!]
Hope I could find some similar data like this.
thank your again.