LOL I finally got back on track for a good while there. Took some recent hits today..
But that last hit I couldn't stop laughing at all. Been playing low no limit .05/.10 tables to get my good play back up to what I call par. Like I said doing very good there but switched once to a limit table. I am BB with King, Jack suited, 2 guys call. I don't go on those tables with much anyway. Down to .30 from the $1.00 I put in. The flop shows 6,K,10 off suit.. I say why not and go all-in trying to double the small amount.
Both call me of course. Turn hits a Jack, I am sitting pretty now one would say. Well I lost to one guy holding JJ's. Now what are the
odds of hitting 1 out? I couldn't stop laughing cause I have never ever seen someone hit the NUTS based apon 1 out. No there was nothing for a straight or a flush. Yet I said you probably didn't know it at the time but you had one out LOL.. you got lucky. Told him NH non-the-less but he didn't say ty as usuall with some people.
But seriously that is I think less than 1% to get that. The other guy held nothing, just trying to take my little amount of $$$ I had. Still trying not to laugh.. Never never have I seen that before

well until now.