Anton Fedorov
Rock Star
Silver Level
Do not look for easy ways. There are no corrupt dogs in our society.Hi.
I am again opening this thread and asking to all CC members write here star codes for Pokerstars.
Please write only codes what is new and working.
I was constantly impressed on how magnificently it was built and maintained ,then came the changes,almost everything about them has been changed to something twisted,tormenting and underhanded,right down to the sign up lure that gave people $5 on their birthday.just a disgusting bunch of grasperscompared to whatil it was in my opinion and in fact,shame on you poker stars,just can't say it loudly enough,shame on you!!!!!.I miss the old PS I think that it had more offers and starcodes.
Thanks for sharing the funny thing is that I did put the code and as a response I got the code is available only in 22/10 which is today lolgplfinals
Thanks for sharing the funny thing is that I did put the code and as a response I got the code is available only in 22/10 which is today lol
Maybe it's only for those who received the code by email ...myself I haven't on my messages any code seems that PS is concerned more at players on bet cause most offers are for themThe same happened to me
Maybe it's only for those who received the code by email ...myself I haven't on my messages any code seems that PS is concerned more at players on bet cause most offers are for them
sochitrip starcode.
but i cant take tickets by this code(
Thanks . Won using code the free tournament tickets .On this moment as I know there is code on qualifying tournaments ,spin and go,only for participants Russia.
The starcode is restricted for Canada.Starcode SPINTOWIN, I don’t know if it’s Restricted to Canada but gives you a spin to redeem instant cash and two tickets for a shootout all in entry to 30k platinum pass