Good questions?Does anyone know at what time they show the star code on twich?
Ty broostar code: kappanoko
entry to nanonoko's PlaitumPass raffle tournament
hurry up, tournament stars in 20 minutes
These codes appear about 20 minutes before the game. I was selected and today I'm going to play PSP Twitch Freeroll Giveaway.Does anyone know at what time they show the star code on twich?
I think that today there will be no qualifying games for this tournament. Registration in the tournament takes place automatically after the qualifying games. Watch out for the lobby in pokerstars.Can I play any free tournament today, post there codes? How I can play today that PSP Twich freeroll Giveaway?
I didn't manage to qualify for Twitch Freeroll today but I wish all of you who qualified best of luck and hope someone from CC wins it.
Lucker, I wasn't eligible.i also used these tickets ....2$ thanks for infooooo!
Today is Twitter freeroll not Twitch at 20:00
Twitch freeroll started 2 hours ago, Twitter freeroll starts now, good luck if you are in!