Hi guys,
I am also a blind poker player, and I have been trying for a while to find a online
poker site that will work with my screenreader.
I am also a programmer and Jaws script writer, and I have tried for quite a while to make
party poker work with my screenreader.
Unfortunately, I have had teh same problem with reading the hole cards, though I can read the dealer chat fine.
I will take a look at pokerroom.com and see what I can make out.
As it stands, does poker room show your hole cards only as graphics?
If so, it may be possible to have all 52 graphics individually labeled to have them read, but I'm not sure about this.
Chris, if you are a member of all in play, send me an email, as I have an idea you might be interested in involving a few bucks of action.
Later taters,