what i heard about the ironman....
is possible trade medals for money ?
you can buy a 100 dollar bonus for 600 medals
i did some figuring for the 4 levels playing at 2nl....here are the (estimated ) break even levels for me after earning 19 months of ironman... estimating 67
hands= 1 ftp..
bronze --50ftps/20 days--- bonus= 25
+ rakeback= 33
+ ftp value= 3.65 (after rb hit)
+ medals = 14 (after rb hit)
+75.65 be = -5.65 bb/100
silver --- 50 / 25 days =117.35 be = -7 bb/100
gold --- 100/25 days =202.82 be = -6 bb/100
iron --- 200/25 days =343.39 be = -5.1 bb/100
rakeback = appox 2.5 bb/100
summary---i can lose 5 bb/hour and make money
-- if i get to bronze go for the silver as the extra 5 days at 50 points puts the b.e. at -12.5 bb/100
a nice benefit program especially the longer you go