Thanks all, i enjoyed the freeroll game tonight. I for one really like the GG poker
App, games, players etc and think it’s better than most other options I’ve tried. I’m still an amateur “entertainment” player and not in it for the big bucks yet, although I have managed to make money in spin/go’s, mtt’s and cardschat freeroll etc.
With that being said, I wouldn’t completely dismiss some of the above comments as those at my table tonight may have noticed lol.
I was intentionally folding A’s, even AA once, AK, AQ etc and was rather playing 2’s, even raisin with J2. 95% my “2” and “J”
hands were winners and 95% of the AK, KQ would have been losers. 85 was my other power hand even off suit. I think I knocked out 3 players with these cards, where I even apologized cos they had the AK, KK etc
Some of us were chatting at the table and joking about the J2, and the feeling of being “set-up”
The only reason I made it passed the bubble is because I folded K10 suited on the button, big blind had 33 and a larger stack, flop was KK7, the turn a 3. What a bad beat for me if not for the feeling of it being a set up. Yet I took a risk and shoved Out of position a few hands before with 88. Cos my gut told me the J,8,2 we’re playing better.
So what’s my point.... I DO NOT think it’s rigged or atleast GG isn’t .
(I was a general skeptic of
online poker before in general but have a different view now while I still do think there are some dodge sites, it’s not the norm)
But this is what my unresearched, unvalidated, border line conspiracy opinion is .....
While the original RNG software may still be a foundational layer, the software has evolved and there’s multiple algorithms in play which also could be randomized. The other algorithms in play are specifically there to disrupt the old school professional hud players or the players fixated on the outs/
odds/hand strength matrix, bot risks etc
This algorithm favors the gutshot straights, the runner runners, J2’s of the world, and one card flushes, or when you have less than big blind amount left and somehow win and stay in the game etc
I think saying “that’s just poker and the game of poker” is a narrow view and the same as saying playing football on the field is the same as playing it on xbox.
Fact is there’s other factors in play in the online world and it would make sense for the software to evolve accordingly.
Why I did what I did tonight..., after losing my very first few hands, and that with AK etc,...instead of going tilt and crashing out and just saying I’m running cold or it’s a bad run and it happens, I decided to do the opposite of all the “right” decisions. As I thought I noticed this trend in the week as well, i.e where AK is always going to be a loser.
“we were even speaking about it on my table cos I knocked out about 3 players with J2, 85 when they had AK etc.
So I figured I was in the “crap list” today and High cards, especially A was going to get me into trouble and it did every time and I would have lost my shirt more than once if I played that AK suited! For atleast my first two hours of play, all my AK, A etc would have been losers if I played aggressively preflop or even played it post flop even when an A hit the board. That trend for me only changed after the bubble and I soon got kicked out, as it seems the algorithms went back to default mode.
So in my opinion, yes there’s still fair play and randomness involved or atleast at GG, but there’s also a lot design...involved in the online game of today and thats to keep up with the changing times.
I’m still new to the game in comparison or atleast playing when it comes to
real money and as much as I love the game, I almost was left with a bad taste after watching all the professional grinders on YouTube with their fancy huds etc, playing 10 games at a time and just playing according to a set standard.
I use to wonder why some of them get pissed off when they get knocked out with an unexpected hand, or when some players even today assume everyone should play the same game and you playing “bingo if you don’t follow the poker rules or that you don’t understand strategy and just
gambling” etc
I for one, even if completely wrong, still prefer the thought of there being curve ball strategies in the online game even if purely to distrubt and enhance the game as long as it’s fair competition.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not experienced or skilled enough yet and Perfecting the old school basics would certainly do me better as ultimately in most cases I’m my worst enemy still but i believe the game is evolving as we speak and the future pros may need to know how and when to play J2 offsuit, preflop, out of position and not because it’s a
bluff or a gamble lol.
So yes, I may be the guy with a 93 off suit to Knock you out and it won’t be cos I’m playing bingo lol and yes I may technically win less money in the long run but the lmao in my mind with last a few days