Bronze Level
After thinking about this. This looks like a way cheats could open multiple accounts and only deposit and withdraw using bitcoin. If ACR is not requiring verification a cheat could in theory open accounts and deposit in bitcoin and sit at a cash table with eight accounts and fleece anyone who sat down with them. I would urge ACR to require account verification for ALL forms of withdrawal and for anyone who does account to account transfers.I got in touch with ACR support.
And the answer I had is that it is not necessary to verify documents if I use only Bitcoin as a form of deposit and withdrawals. It is also not necessary to make a deposit in Bitcoin to make the withdrawal, that is to those who do not want to deposit, it is a great room option, as it is very easy to withdraw. Only verification of account will be necessary if the deposit or withdrawal is made in another way. Great information for anyone who was in doubt just like I had.