It's a bit of a lunacy. I could easily do without this HUD, and I'm sure the vast majority of players could too. I hope they will think of giving us the right to choose and not decide for us whether we need this option or not.
I don't understand what exactly it is that you & others here on Cardschat have against it?
If you choose to not use while the rest of the entire site is able to use it for FREE, then you are putting yourself at a disadvantage. Why would you choose to do this?
My thoughts/feelings on the topic is that some players are afraid of it because they don't understand the significance of each of the stats. and how they can go about using them to try to eploit other players on the table... AND that they are afraid that the other players are now getting info. on them and THEY are using it to exploit them.
The stats. are limited to VP$IP (Voluntarily Puts $'s Into Pot) and PFR (PreFlop Raise) & 3-Bet % (the % of times player 3-Bets preflop).
It is easy to get educated on these Stats.
Perhaps someone could open a new thread, outlining some information about each of these statistics, giving some basic information
ie. what is a normal number for VPIP on a 9max MTT table, or on a 6-max cash table; What is a typical % for 3Bet %, and what player type(s) is over or under this number
Also: How can we use this information to help us play against this particular player?
Is the information we're gathering from these stats. actually useful if it's less than 'x' number of hands? (or is it reliable?)
You can add in loads more questions/comments even off of just a couple basic stats. It truly is up to the player to educate themselves about this stuff... it will make you a better player I can guarantee it.