Sheldon Adelson's Attack on Online Gambling

Michael Paler

Michael Paler

Silver Level
Apr 27, 2013
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[quote\]I have been to Europe and do covet a lot of the things they have in norway, like paying people NOT to work, mandatory vacations, both the man and woman getting a year off to have a kid, etc. However, their health system could be better (a problem with a lot of National Health Systems), they make less adjusted wealth than the avg American, and they don't seem to have as vast a food network as the US. I don't like having daylight last that long either.[/quote]

Paying people not to work. Come on. Think about that. The money has to come from someplace. Why do they have such high unemployment? Because it is impossible to make money if you have to spend more than you make on people who are not even working. One year off, with pay. Good lord. Clearly, you do not own a business. Why should a company pay you to take a year off to have a kid? WTF? Come on. That just isn't realistic, and a large part of why no companies want to open up shop there. It's just crazy. Pretty soon, NO ONE is actually working for you, they are all off for one reason or another. What then? So, if you poured all your savings into a business and the quality of your products suffered, your shipments were all late, you started losing business because 3/4 of your workforce is off having a kid or some other BS, you would be fine going out of business, having your family starve, losing all your money so some lazy schmuck can sit on his/her azz for a year at home on your dime? I seriously doubt you would take that lying down.

[quote\]The Walton Family possess more wealth than the bottom 41.5% of Americans (I said only 30%) primarily through 9 main heirs. [/quote]

So, what, you would rather my poor neighbor go to the corner store for her kids diapers and have to pay 30% more than she has too at Wal Mart? Kind of cold, don't you think? What about Opra? One billion, isn't it? The Kardashians? What about old Michael Moore? Did you know that Al Gore has amassed close to some 200 million? So, Wal Mart evil, Al gore saint? Apparently.

[quote\]Another common Wal Mart figure is that for every 2 Wal Mart jobs created, 2.8 REAL jobs are lost. Wal Mart jobs start at $21k per year. Wal Mart employees cost the US taxpayers $1.5b per year in health care expenses because employees are paid too little to pay for their own care.[/quote]

I'll save some time here. Everything above in that paragraph is complete and total made up bullshit. All based on loose supposition, zero facts, and a hatred of Wal Mart that does not apply to any other organization or person who makes as much or has as much. It's just made up BS. So, if it is true, then EVERY minimum wage job and company that offers minimum wage positions are costing, somehow, more jobs than they offer. Only Wal Mart employees cost US taxpayers in health care costs. Only them. Not any other place that has a minimum wage job, right? Or, could it be they refuse to accept Unions, and that is what the real issue is. Of course it is. Total BS. Bad Wal Mart min wage jobs, good min wage jobs everywhere else.

[quote\]Anyways, I'm not an advocate for Communism and am very proud to be an American. I hope I didn't strike a nerve with you because you escaped from a Socialist country or anything like that, as that would be awful, although it kind of sounds like you might be an American from you're name, the way you write, and a Republican possibly from your MSNBC comment. I don't typically watch that or Fox News. I prefer my news unbiased, although that is difficult to come by now days. Anyways, good luck at the tables! :beer:[/quote]

Over the years and in my travels I have made friends with, associated with, etc, men and women who have come from these horrible areas of the world or still live in them. Many would gladly like to have a Wal Mart, to shop in or to work at. All would cringe at your nieve and callus observations. The targeting of Wal Mart is simply driven by the fact that they will not go union. Thank God. With a Union, you get those things that you covet so much. Lazy no-goods being paid to lay on their azz at home while the rest of us have to actually work. Higher prices for my neighbors who are already struggling. Just so they can be lazy, and the union can make money off of the current workers.

You peg me as a possible republican, I can easily peg you as a supporter of Unions, and therefore, a big Liberal. They who have bankrupted my city. Ruined the lives of many a friend and family member by the never ending cry for "more! more!" until there is no more. Then the Company is shut down, the employees are laid off, and the Union hierarchy gets to go do it again to another company. They never lose their job. They Never lose their house. It is never their fault. NEVER.

I really wish you would think a little about this garbage you have posted as some kind of an example of just what, I have no idea.


Silver Level
Oct 9, 2006
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That letter from Nick probably deserves its own thread. Especially since Reptar7 and Michael Paler seem to be discussing something else entirely.


Poker Not Checkers
May 13, 2013
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Now that is a good article!!!! When it ended I was sad I wanted it to go on forever... It also erases what I said earlier about us needing a voice out there so his words wouldn't be the only words heard.

I wonder if he will be able to reply.

Only part I didn't like was the super computers, I think they should of used "how about we bring Phil Ivey down to come play you for (200 Million)" =P


Silver Level
Feb 12, 2012
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That letter from Nick probably deserves its own thread. Especially since Reptar7 and Michael Paler seem to be discussing something else entirely.

Ha, yeah sorry derailed another thread. That letter was very good. I wonder if Adelson will ever see it?

@Michael Paler

I'll send you a PM.


Sarah's Pet
Bronze Level
Aug 20, 2008
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Michael Paler

Michael Paler

Silver Level
Apr 27, 2013
Total posts
That letter from Nick probably deserves its own thread. Especially since Reptar7 and Michael Paler seem to be discussing something else entirely.

Yeah, well, he started it (lol)

Actually, Andelson was a bit all over the map, covering his azz. He just could not seem to come up with any concrete reasonings behind his stand, which was probably why he did it; to distract from the facts, muddy the waters.

Great response Nick, and I'll try not to get sidetracked again. Hey, it happens.
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Michael Paler

Michael Paler

Silver Level
Apr 27, 2013
Total posts
Nick! You the man!

Wow, Nick. First: NICE JOB! Makes me glad I joined this community! It also reaffirmed that I and others are not completely nuts! He has got be getting pressured for answers as to why he has so steadfastly ignored what could easily be more $$ for his entire operation! Stockholders are a fickle bunch, often passing on ideology for more profits that benefit more than just themselves.

Second: I think your talents are going to waste my friend. We should equip you with a barf bag (for your own protection) and ship you off to Washington. Maybe you could stand it long enough to straighten out a few of these pinhead-created fluster-clucks. You succesfully called out every one of his hypocrisies, and there were many, succinctly and with a pose I could only dream of.

Third: Sorry to you and all for derailing this post. Everything Adelson said, it just made my head explode! As a CEO, he ought to know better. It just sucks when the BIG ONES get up on the soapbox and never have to answer for what they spew. You ought to print copies and send one to everyone that sits on the board of directors.

Rock on Nick Kisberg, rock on CardsChat!


Silver Level
Sep 24, 2007
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This is ridiculous. Just shaking my head while reading......


Rock Star
Silver Level
Mar 22, 2013
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i so wish the ppa would just get their own platform and not be bunched up with other online gambling. i dont think any casinos would have any problem with a poker only bill, they are not making money on their poker rooms, they want slot and rouleete players in their joint


Rock Star
Silver Level
Jun 22, 2013
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This guy is a fool. We should all boycott his casinos.


Silver Level
Aug 4, 2012
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OMG. A "perfect" ideal that hasn't worked out in most applications... NO KIDDING.

Ok, mike, calm down....ARE YOU SERIOUS? "A perfect ideal that hasn't worked out in most applications"; If the "applications" were the 60 million PLUS (humans) Russians that Stalin killed, no I guess you are correct!

Well, lets not count Sweden and Norway shall we, since they only have "Limited communistic policies" - whatever that means. Instead tell me one, ONE!! JUST ONE successful full-communist state. JUST ONE. In the ENTIRE history of mankind. One. Any one. Please. Which Communist State has allowed any of it's people to surpass the wealth of the lowest paid American worker? NONE.

And where on earth are you getting your figures from? 1% of the population is controlling more wealth than the other 99%. Have you ever used, I don't know, A CALCULATOR?

As far as those "Wal Mart Heirs", which ones? Do you mean the millions of bottom to top income earners who have Wal Mart stock in their retirement portfolios and depend on them continuing to make profits so they can have more when they retire? Or, do you mean the thousands of "Wal Mart Heirs"; workers, who are able to put food on their tables because they get a paycheck from Walmart every week? Or, are those "Wal Mart Heirs" the millions of Americans able to buy things they would not otherwise be able to afford, because they buy in bulk and pass the Democracy on to us? HA!

You really need to watch something other than MSNBC and Al-jazeera.

But you are correct about one thing! We have had a recent shift in the wealth of America! Right into the pockets of the Federal Government!

Heres something they don't like to talk about in the Communist Party of America; Did you know, it was actually tried right here in America? Yep. The first pilgrims decided to set themselves up like that. It didn't matter what you grew, what you made, it all went to "the people". And guess what happened? Can you guess? No?


Yes, it seems when people are handed everything they need by someone else, several funny, wild and wacky things happen!

First: Everything will be given to me. Really? Alright! Well, then I don't have to do anything, now do I? Of course not, It will all be given to me no matter if I contribute or not! I choose...not to! Now, gimme my turkey and corn!

Second: Since you cannot control or own what you grow or make, well, there just wasn't much interest in growing or making anything! Why should you? Why work hard if you cannot have any benefit from your hard work? It's just going to be taken from you and given to others. Let someone else do it! (see number one)

After one miserable winter, low on food, half starved, chock full of unhappy pilgrims with no motive to lift so much as a finger, wondering where all the free turkeys and bushels of corn they were promised went, someone had an idea: Why not let the people control their own destinies? Own what they grow and make, as well as profit from it?

"How will that work? They can charge the moon for one ear of corn!" One pilgrim, in favor of trying what clearly did not work once more, asked (rumor has it, he was one who saw no point in doing anything, instead preferring to have it all given to him for free; I think his name was Charles Ogden MUNISM)

"Yes," Answered another pilgrim "but if Farner A does this, then Farmer B will step in, charge less, make lots of beads and cow milk, and Framer A will be picking shit with the chickens, all while sitting on two tons of rotten corn he now can not give away. Think he will let that happen?" (rumor has it this pilgrim was sick of giving away his crop to lazy pilgrims not contributing to the cause, and wanted to put an end to that; I think his name was Charles Alvin Parker ITALISM)

Want proof it worked? If you live in America, LOOK OUT YOUR WINDOW. Or, look at scenic America on your Iphone.

Clearly, my friend, the reason you would not mind communism is because you never have had to see it up close, never had to be forced to work for free, never had family taken in the dead of night for daring to ask "WTF is going on here?" in daylight to the ones with all the money, all the power. You have probably never seen what communism can do to a once thriving country, it's people, it's culture. You see crack heads living in the gutter instead of in a McMansion, and think that is just soooo unfair!! Poor little crack heads. Won't someone give them a Bentley?

But hey, if you don't have that much of a problem with communism, if Bad Old America has you feed up, go to Sweden, go to Denmark, go find that one shining, golden example of "successful" communism you are so sure exists. Try it out. See for yourself.

And call me screaming when you cannot escape it, realize what a horrible mistake you have made, and someone like me will come to your rescue. It won't be the first time, nor the last.

Have a nice day!:) ;) :rolleyes: :beer:


(X) Social Democracy is coming to the US...and in fact with Obamacare is half way entrenched in the fabric of American life.

( ) Seems equally offended by SOCIALISING bank losses of banks many times during the inevitable market crisis....


Silver Level
Aug 4, 2012
Total posts
Wow, Nick. First: NICE JOB! Makes me glad I joined this community! It also reaffirmed that I and others are not completely nuts! He has got be getting pressured for answers as to why he has so steadfastly ignored what could easily be more $$ for his entire operation! Stockholders are a fickle bunch, often passing on ideology for more profits that benefit more than just themselves.

Second: I think your talents are going to waste my friend. We should equip you with a barf bag (for your own protection) and ship you off to Washington. Maybe you could stand it long enough to straighten out a few of these pinhead-created fluster-clucks. You succesfully called out every one of his hypocrisies, and there were many, succinctly and with a pose I could only dream of.

Third: Sorry to you and all for derailing this post. Everything Adelson said, it just made my head explode! As a CEO, he ought to know better. It just sucks when the BIG ONES get up on the soapbox and never have to answer for what they spew. You ought to print copies and send one to everyone that sits on the board of directors.

Rock on Nick Kisberg, rock on CardsChat!


Michael Paler

Michael Paler

Silver Level
Apr 27, 2013
Total posts
Nostradamus anyone?

Got a nice mention at the end of this article:

I heard a lot of players in Vegas saying they are going to boycott the Venetian now. I wonder if it will be enough players to make a statement...

From this article it looks like he is flip-flopping; he once tried to get into online gaming and then either changed his mind or failed to launch it for some reason. Political persuasion, perhaps? Cannot be a real Republican unless you don't like online gaming? Maybe this created a chasm between his political agenda and his business agenda? If so, It looks like "covering my butt", just not well done. Still, some within the Sands have got to be asking "why not us" in the face of falling revenue. But why risk a boycott? They had to see that coming, didn't they? OR are they stupid? I do not think so.

Matter of fact, I think I might know! I will go ahead and back a horse here, make a prediction:

I do not think he will be the CEO of the Sands Corporation much longer.

You heard it here first, ladies and gents. Why?

Maybe these interviews were deliberate on his part or orchestrated for him by the Sands Corporation, because they are about to forcibly retire him. Why? Because he has placed the Sands so far behind the other bandwagons. Doing it "because of a boycott" hides his malfeasance and will allow him to save face. He can still make money on the talk circuit, as many retired CEO's often do. Hard to do that if you failed to be a proper CEO when you should have and thusly have been discredited; "my personal feelings towards online gaming is what brought me down. Not failing to see a viable market and ditch it to save face with my new Republican friends at company expense."

So, to answer a "boycott" Sands Corporation will then:
1) Get in the news for free. Bad advertising is still free advertising.
2) Announce they "simply do not agree" with the CEO's viewpoint. This saves face for idiot CEO.
3) Fires/retires him; out he goes, onto the lecture circuit and into politics full speed ahead. Money continues to flow to him like pennies from heaven.
4) Sands responds to boycott "no, no, that was the old guy, here is the new guy to tell you all about it! So, come spend some money here"; damage control and turn a frown into a smile.
5) A few month's later, boycott forgotten, all is well and Sands announces a new venture for them; online gaming.

Let us just see If I am right or a total loon, shall we? If I am wrong, then these people are idiots and I doubt that very much.


Poker Not Checkers
May 13, 2013
Total posts
From this article it looks like he is flip-flopping; he once tried to get into online gaming and then either changed his mind or failed to launch it for some reason. Political persuasion, perhaps? Cannot be a real Republican unless you don't like online gaming? Maybe this created a chasm between his political agenda and his business agenda? If so, It looks like "covering my butt", just not well done. Still, some within the Sands have got to be asking "why not us" in the face of falling revenue. But why risk a boycott? They had to see that coming, didn't they? OR are they stupid? I do not think so.

Matter of fact, I think I might know! I will go ahead and back a horse here, make a prediction:

I do not think he will be the CEO of the Sands Corporation much longer.

You heard it here first, ladies and gents. Why?

Maybe these interviews were deliberate on his part or orchestrated for him by the Sands Corporation, because they are about to forcibly retire him. Why? Because he has placed the Sands so far behind the other bandwagons. Doing it "because of a boycott" hides his malfeasance and will allow him to save face. He can still make money on the talk circuit, as many retired CEO's often do. Hard to do that if you failed to be a proper CEO when you should have and thusly have been discredited; "my personal feelings towards online gaming is what brought me down. Not failing to see a viable market and ditch it to save face with my new Republican friends at company expense."

So, to answer a "boycott" Sands Corporation will then:
1) Get in the news for free. Bad advertising is still free advertising.
2) Announce they "simply do not agree" with the CEO's viewpoint. This saves face for idiot CEO.
3) Fires/retires him; out he goes, onto the lecture circuit and into politics full speed ahead. Money continues to flow to him like pennies from heaven.
4) Sands responds to boycott "no, no, that was the old guy, here is the new guy to tell you all about it! So, come spend some money here"; damage control and turn a frown into a smile.
5) A few month's later, boycott forgotten, all is well and Sands announces a new venture for them; online gaming.

Let us just see If I am right or a total loon, shall we? If I am wrong, then these people are idiots and I doubt that very much.

If this is true the best course of action is to assassinate Adleson and blow up the Venitian!!!
Michael Paler

Michael Paler

Silver Level
Apr 27, 2013
Total posts
If this is true the best course of action is to assassinate Adleson and blow up the Venitian!!!

Careful, they might take that seriously at Langley when they read it. Oh, wait; he is not an actual politician and is a republican now.



Poker Not Checkers
May 13, 2013
Total posts
Careful, they might take that seriously at Langley when they read it. Oh, wait; he is not an actual politician and is a republican now.


Lol just in case I will go on record and say. My previous statement was a joke and I have no plans to harm Mr. CEO or destroy his Casino.

<.< >.>
Michael Paler

Michael Paler

Silver Level
Apr 27, 2013
Total posts
Lol just in case I will go on record and say. My previous statement was a joke and I have no plans to harm Mr. CEO or destroy his Casino.

<.< >.>

Too late. Now if a meteor hits him or the building, off in chains you shall go. They will say you went into space to commit the "perfect" crime.

"You clever rascal. Thought we wouldn't know, didn't you?"

You better hope two things:
1. I am right and he is put out to pasture.
2. George Zimmerman is a straight cellmate and like the top rack.

(Sorry, couldn't resist; fits with being railroaded however, does it not?)
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