As far as i understand they only caught him because of some 2+2 forum post and according to reputable posters there, GG game and software security is terrible and they only did something because it got public.While it's really sad this happened to GG or could happen to any site, the fact is GG was looking into things and caught him. While many players talk about cheating online or bots or rigger sites and yes this is posable just look at what GG has done.
They caught him and refunding players, while some funds have been said to not have been returned yet I am sure they are working on it and this is complicated as hell to resolve.
Lets talk about the cheating they caught. 8900 hands are what they caught him on. If that's accurate that is really amazing considering how many hands can be played online in an hour or day. I would have expected hundreds of thousands of hands is not over a million to catch him.
Also look at all the live cheating scandals in the last year just live steaming. We need to always remember it can and does happen anywhere.
As for me I still trust online games. I don't say they are perfect, and things don't or can't happen, but I have never felt cheated online. I cany say this for playing in a casino and the dealer knew it as did I. Well suspected it the way he looked at me. Only once and in a big-time live casino in big poker series is where it happened to me.
All i know is isif GG is ever allowed where i can play, i will join up.
Tbh GG was all shiny and sparkly for a few days and the freebies are ok. But it is conditioning players to play fast and risky, under pressure poker decisions, games finishing as fast as possible to get people to make knee jerk decisions which are more likely to be risky.
The whole not having sit and gos prime example, to little revenue for games that can take a long time and use bandwidth- why when they could be forcing you to instead just go all in or play ‘aggressive’ poker - everything on that site is grooming players to play impulsively, from the spin and go insurance, to the battle royales. I loved the format at first, until I went into the 2nd round clearly dominating my opponent to then lose the game because of the forced all in after 5 mins. It doesn’t matter how good you play or how badly they play, if they drag it long enough, it’s just a 50/50 flip. That’s not poker and it’s showing in other games.
It’s got very big very fast, increasing the minimum deposit to $20 when every other site is trying to be more responsible with what people are risking. I play the freebie then hop back to party.
I don’t like the whole set up of GG, it’s to gambling, the music even puts pressure on you. The dynamite running down. It’s not how people have spent years playing and learning want to play poker. There is only one winner there.
Party is $10 too, and 888 used to be £5 and I disagree. The whole set up on GG is to condition players to gamble or as they like to put it ‘play aggressive poker’. Which seems means go all in from first position with 100bb to a 10chip pot.OR you could learn to adjust the 'settings'.
For me, I only play cash games & Tournaments... just as I always have since I started playing online poker (2007).
I keep the tables looking as streamlined as possible, so that I can quickly analyze my stack size along with all other stack sizes on the table and so that my bet amounts show up more clearly on the table. There's no music sound from the site happening while I play. There's no 'dynamite' forcing my decisions & tbh, the 'time to act' is much longer on GG (for the formats I play) vs. other sites I play on (I play on many).
I don't play 'Spins' on the site. or Battle Royale (I think many people play them because the site influences them by giving them a 'free' $0.25(0.50?) ticket to play them each day. I don't play Flip & Go.
They offer better tournaments than any of the other sites. (by far!) and you can find just about ALL of the online tournament pros on the site. It attracts all the high stakes MTT players & hosts the WSOP events!
The cash tables I playl on have ~4x the number of players in the player pool vs. the next biggest competitor > Pokerstars.
Nobody makes me play the stupid gambly/lottery games.
SnG's are not very popular these days.They are also more open to collusion (especially the D0Ns format). I doubt it has anything to do with bandwidth.
fwiw, I thought Pokerstars was the only site to offer a min. deposit of $10. I've never known anyone to deposit just $10. Is $20 that much more? I mean what games can a person play with $10 with hopes of not going busto in short period of time.
Party is $10 too, and I disagree. The whole set up on GG is to condition players to gamble or as they like to put it ‘play aggressive poker’. Which seems means go all in from first position with 100bb to a 10chip pot.
I am with you I won’t be forced to play more impulsively but it’s hard when everyone is all In every single hand, or the clock is on you to win before it becomes bingo. Hence I’ve stopped playing anything other than tournaments there - and I also agree their tournaments are amazing.
A lite version of the ap for phones/tablets to minimise data usage and the glitching would be an idea though.
I am surprised you don’t feel that the games other than cash and tournaments are encouraging more reckless play, just the insurance on spins alone and the games like all on or fold and flip and go give prime examples and don’t really encourage responsible gambling. The whole set up is very clever for the Devs. The music, visuals, bounty jackpots. All encouraging the ‘all in’ from any position with any hand never mind the pot odds mentality, which isn’t aggressive poker, it’s bingo, or snap.
When I'm at the grocery store the aisles are set up with displays to get my attention, try out a new product, a new flavour, etc. etc.Party is $10 too, and 888 used to be £5 and I disagree. The whole set up on GG is to condition players to gamble or as they like to put it ‘play aggressive poker’. Which seems means go all in from first position with 100bb to a 10chip pot.
When I shop in ANY store, the displays are set up to entice me to purchase the products there.
its insane to me that in this day an age, these things cant get caught almost immediately. all it would take is dedicating enough people to hunt/look for these things and theyd get caught right away. they dont care about it. they dont care about having a secure site, they only care about taking peoples money. you know damn well that they know some of this stuff (if not all of it) is going on, they just dont care to spend the $ to put it to a stop.Superusers are not new in online poker sites, wish they get banned soon.
i would say that is a very wise choice. if i were you, id not even think about going back there for a few months just to see how things developI stuck very little on gg and withdrew about 5k profit, I'm gonna lay low for a while there now and see how it goes
I think he won't be blocked forever because he is a streamer and brings viewers new players to the Pokerstars poker site, and if he is sponsored by the poker site itself, they can't make such a decision, they can simply give a mild punishment, and all because the poker site benefits from it, but I would certainly think that if all players are banned, it should be soЗдесь, в Бразилии, стример с YouTube-каналом о покере был пойман во время живой игры на Pokerstars с открытым GTO Wizard, что запрещено, его дело все еще расследуется Pokerstars, но ходят слухи, что ему может грозить Годовой бан с платформы, хуже того, что парня спонсирует Pokerstars, по моему его надо забанить навсегда.