always black, once u go to the dark side u can´t go back.
LUKADONCICMVP Visionary Platinum Level Joined Dec 3, 2022 Total posts 606 Awards 2 Chips 567 Thursday at 1:47 PM #26 always black, once u go to the dark side u can´t go back.
Toruk Makto Visionary Platinum Level Joined Jan 4, 2019 Total posts 718 Awards 2 Chips 307 Friday at 3:40 AM #27 Generally green!!
black and Legend Loyaler Joined Sep 15, 2020 Total posts 1,670 Awards 1 Chips 291 Friday at 5:44 AM #28 The color of the table does not matter to me, as long as it is not too bright. The default colors are generally quite satisfactory to me.
The color of the table does not matter to me, as long as it is not too bright. The default colors are generally quite satisfactory to me.
F FlOrIn0110 Rising Star Bronze Level Joined Jun 26, 2017 Total posts 10 Awards 1 Chips 6 Saturday at 1:08 PM #29 I think the friendliest colors for the eyes are green and blue....
oriole Visionary Platinum Level Joined Apr 20, 2017 Total posts 642 Awards 9 Chips 117 Yesterday at 12:48 AM #30 I’d go with a classic green—it just feels like real poker!
S successlaw Legend Platinum Level Joined Sep 30, 2018 Total posts 1,202 Awards 2 Chips 237 Yesterday at 1:40 PM #31 I usually put green or black for tables Also, red for FTs