Random Number Generators (RNG)- Are they really that random?



Carpe diem
Jul 17, 2015
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have you done this analysis in real games? think well how absurd the logic in real games, when you do this analysis tell me here


Rock Star
Silver Level
Nov 19, 2020
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Are random generators random

I dont think there that random. If you have a pair you get a straight cards out there. You get a straight you get flush cards out there. It happrns every time. So how random is that?
Poker Orifice

Poker Orifice

And Still...
Platinum Level
Jan 19, 2008
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. It was not the play of those folks, it is the odds of that occurring and seemingly the one with most chips wins. That appears to not be random, but an algorithm which "sets" people up to lose.

Some idiots that like playing splash games , for penies or more expensive , to get a ticket , they show their talent of RNG read and then RNG maniipulation , and they are doing this on purpose , not just only to win,,but to try break some balls in the procedure . Then you see how random RNG can be ....... Not even KK or AA can defeat these players or the leaks of RNG . if poker rooms wanted they could invent or use the most progressed and advanced RNG , totally random , a game of luck , but they donot want this , they want to play games with the players' pockets , minds and mentality , it's clear as crystal . Regs like the fact that many ways to play hand are fixed , menaing they know them and they win towards wrong betting lines , they just try to become better thieves with cr** hands , better bingo RNG manipulators , they watch their masters in twitch or live videos , no pity for them , tag and crash .

Question for you both:

If you honestly believe this... why would you EVER bother to play poker online???!
Personally I think that would be ludicrous. :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:


Silver Level
May 8, 2019
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The burden of proof is on the person making the claim. So....prove yourself right?

I'd actually be pretty interested in reading about that, do you have a citation I could read?

It was an article I read that was posted on twoplustwo.com 2 or 3 years ago.


Silver Level
Sep 2, 2019
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As far as i know it is not possible for a program to produce real random numbers. After playing for over 5 years every day online tourneys i can say for sure there is nothing random there.
Someone mentioned things about suited rag hands and how hit the flop i confirm 100%. Regs know it and even call all ins pre with those hands and hit vs aa etc. Also how many times u hit 2 pair flop but is not good, or not good by the river?
Poker Orifice

Poker Orifice

And Still...
Platinum Level
Jan 19, 2008
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Sadomasochism :p

From watching some of your play, I thought it was other reasons tbh.
Not meaning to sound like an a55 here... but I'd suggest attempting to think otherwise & put the thought into learning the game instead. You might just be pleasantly surprised.


Rising Star
Bronze Level
Jun 18, 2008
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They are random numbers, save yourself a lot of bullshit, don't follow the rigged morons down that path.

Thank you very much for your insight, and believe me, I won't go down that path. I'm going to play the cards as dealt and throw in a bit of bluffing here and there, as suggested previously. Good luck on the felts Zorba


Rising Star
Bronze Level
Jun 18, 2008
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If you want to become a winning poker player, you need to focus your attention on your decision making rather than distractions like, how the board runs out. Best of luck at the tables :)
Thank you beautifully said.


Rock Star
Platinum Level
Jun 21, 2017
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they are random but they have a code. if you dont know the code that is right you will no be able to predict it. You need to think poker in a long time game where if you are making this right in the long run you will be profitible if some poker site is making you unsure about the randomness of the code you should not be playing it.

once doubt one poker site because I got a lot of badbeats. then I got all my money from there and end of history.


Oct 25, 2020
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Well, Let's Think About This Logically...

Let's start with this...

Coding a Random Number Generator (RNG) for a Texas Hold'em Game has to be one of the simplest coding projects ever....

So why would any site just not do this? Hmmm... brain working....putting my business owner hat on...

Well, perhaps... just speculating... perhaps really talented poker players are bad for business? If more talented / more experienced poker players are constantly beating the crap (and the money) out of newer / less experienced players / customers, then perhaps one might be tempted to tweak the RNG to "level the playing field" a bit. Attempt to make the poker game a bit closer to a slots-type game... take a little bit of the skill, out of the outcome. Maybe...

In Summary, I have no idea... just trying to logically think it through...

Best of Luck to Everyone at the Tables,



Platinum Level
Jan 11, 2018
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freerolls with large prizes are often held in 888 Poker, and I suspect that the biggest prizes are won by their bots. I played a lot of them, but I never went beyond the average prizes, almost always players,who showed up with full garbage,moved me. I think these are the 888 poker bots that take the biggest prizes.


Platinum Level
Jul 21, 2007
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Thank you very much for your insight, and believe me, I won't go down that path. I'm going to play the cards as dealt and throw in a bit of bluffing here and there, as suggested previously. Good luck on the felts Zorba
Good luck to you too.





Rock Star
Bronze Level
Nov 29, 2020
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Poker is not a sport for a long time, but a business. What good businessman will rely on chance?


Silver Level
Jan 26, 2019
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Thank you for posting it. I have never seen, taken time for this kind of research. Is it the newest one? Is it the common, regular way, signed by consultants???

Do you know, what algorithms the ACR and other rooms use, do you know any site what collects data about that? As I just found the above on the tester site:

Recommended algorithms

We always encourage the use of well-known public domain PRNG algorithms. A non-exclusive list of such algorithms is given below:

1) Fortuna
2) SHA-1 and SHA-2 based PRNGs (e.g. Java SecureRandom)
3) AES based generators (AES-CTR, AES-KTR,AES-OFB)
5) Mersenne Twister (MT)

The last one, MT, is not a cryptographically secure algorithm, however, it is the most widely used in gaming.

I am curious about the last one and the last sentence.... if most of the sites use that one, it explains several things for me.


Rock Star
Silver Level
Aug 26, 2019
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RNG is as random as it can get even tho you may think that it’s rigged it’s probably because you might have encountered bad beats. We tend to remember our bad beats so well that we almost forget all the good runs we have had. However you might be right it could be rigged depending on what platform you play on so I would suggest you to play on well know sites to ensure your security.

If RnG's are random how come I can finish 1500th or better in 3000-5000 person tourneys all the time beating out 3500 people or more regularly but I cant win or get a high cash in 500 man tourneys at the same price point where I only have to beat out 499 players hardly ever? Because if i did that I would be a cash positive winning poker player. And dont tell me its game structure because i am not talking regular compared to hyper turbo tourneys either im talking about the same or very similar structures.

Why are things like the number of people on the site always around the same number despite such a large number of possible players at any one given time from pokerstars pool of players that could be playing and the number of players on the site should be vastly different fron one time to another?

Why is it that I can go to the sit and go sign up page and watch a sit and go be floating around the same given number of players enrolled but not yet full for like 10 - 20 minutes then when I enroll the tourney fills up right away? Because the tourneys run 24/7 and the minute you a paying customer joins the tourney there is money to be taken, yours and the tourney can fill up with fake players, which ends with you losing to a computer generated algorithim. If computer programmers can create random number generators they can create algorithims for the software that have you playing fake players and put into losing scenarios. Look at Blue or Watson as examples of computer intelligence.

Why is it that when you fold hands the board completely misses your hole cards, but when you play your cards you and the other player always have a sweat or outs to a winning hand? Particularly if you are all in pre flop which is more of a gamble. Which gives you that rush of adrenaline chasing down cards and that euphoria when you hit your card which urges you to gamble more. And you get that consellation of "i was so close to hitting my hand and would of won lots of chips. Or every once in a while to keep you interested you hit your hand and get that feeling. But the one common denominator is you lose more than you win.

These are all little logical intricacies that would not be possible if the sites were not rigged in one form or another with computer generated accounts of players, making the site look like its got more traffic than it does, RnG's with algorithims leading to the one common denominator you lose more than you win.


Silver Level
Jan 26, 2019
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Let's start with this...

Coding a Random Number Generator (RNG) for a Texas Hold'em Game has to be one of the simplest coding projects ever....

So why would any site just not do this? Hmmm... brain working....putting my business owner hat on...

Well, perhaps... just speculating... perhaps really talented poker players are bad for business? If more talented / more experienced poker players are constantly beating the crap (and the money) out of newer / less experienced players / customers, then perhaps one might be tempted to tweak the RNG to "level the playing field" a bit. Attempt to make the poker game a bit closer to a slots-type game... take a little bit of the skill, out of the outcome. Maybe...

In Summary, I have no idea... just trying to logically think it through...

Best of Luck to Everyone at the Tables,


Most of the sites look like going that way, the plenty slot type of tourney structures, poker versions. I was searching for players results through few months - only tourney players from micro to high stakes level, but mostly low level -, that was pretty strange. I saw the same or very similar pattern in plenty newbie cases, in the first 3-6 months, they were making profit, after they went down, most of them managed to make it in minus. Of course, I checked just the results, not how they play, but seeing the same pattern in plenty cases are pretty strange, at least. And yes, it is all speculating, but to be honest, nobody will tell the truth from insiders, if it is more or less stands like that.

More than a decade ago, I followed a HS tourney player, who was quiet good for a while, he had plenty final table, several winnings in the2-3K+ High stakes tourneys within a year or a bit longer, in the last 3-4 months, he had unbelievable bad beat series, he just told, probably he did not recognize the variance in online poker on the right way, so he stopped playing for half year. When he re-start, he made a top 3 in the very first tourney, after nothing for half year, so he left the online poker and since that time, it way 10+ years ago, he is still a winning player both cash and tourney, and he declared few years ago that was his best decision in poker. And he was really good, he had top 3 wsop places in the 2000s... when the poker was on the top, not only the online version, but the live one, as well.

Personally just started the year, played few dozen tourneys, but it is still the same, unbelievable how it is rivering the others, even it is not the worst kind when the 1-3 cards for river coming in 30-50% through weeks, does not matter it is played through on the board or pre-flop allins. And yes, I had one tourney like that, but come on, who will play preflop with almost everything for the 1 in million run? and in live it is 1 in a million, but online, it is 1 in 1000 especially, there are the guys whose counting on it and playing for these runs...(i love to lose on the river with QQ or whatever else high pair against the same card+crap kicker, like Q3s, example)
i have found even educational or whatever videos, courses about that. Pretty nuts, in the first week of the year, i 'played' live in myself, all cards are up, so lets see, it comes in live, too.... not even one position got the common online runs.....
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Silver Level
Nov 7, 2020
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If RnG's are random how come I can finish 1500th or better in 3000-5000 person tourneys all the time beating out 3500 people or more regularly but I cant win or get a high cash in 500 man tourneys at the same price point where I only have to beat out 499 players hardly ever? Because if i did that I would be a cash positive winning poker player. And dont tell me its game structure because i am not talking regular compared to hyper turbo tourneys either im talking about the same or very similar structures.

Why are things like the number of people on the site always around the same number despite such a large number of possible players at any one given time from pokerstars pool of players that could be playing and the number of players on the site should be vastly different fron one time to another?

Why is it that I can go to the sit and go sign up page and watch a sit and go be floating around the same given number of players enrolled but not yet full for like 10 - 20 minutes then when I enroll the tourney fills up right away? Because the tourneys run 24/7 and the minute you a paying customer joins the tourney there is money to be taken, yours and the tourney can fill up with fake players, which ends with you losing to a computer generated algorithim. If computer programmers can create random number generators they can create algorithims for the software that have you playing fake players and put into losing scenarios. Look at Blue or Watson as examples of computer intelligence.

Why is it that when you fold hands the board completely misses your hole cards, but when you play your cards you and the other player always have a sweat or outs to a winning hand? Particularly if you are all in pre flop which is more of a gamble. Which gives you that rush of adrenaline chasing down cards and that euphoria when you hit your card which urges you to gamble more. And you get that consellation of "i was so close to hitting my hand and would of won lots of chips. Or every once in a while to keep you interested you hit your hand and get that feeling. But the one common denominator is you lose more than you win.

These are all little logical intricacies that would not be possible if the sites were not rigged in one form or another with computer generated accounts of players, making the site look like its got more traffic than it does, RnG's with algorithims leading to the one common denominator you lose more than you win.

Based on what you have just said I don’t think I will be able to convince you to think that the sites are not rigged or the RNG is really random.

Rule number one when joining online poker is to never play at the same stakes as you do live. Even if you crush 2/5NLHE at your local casino does not mean you can crush 2/5NLHE online. This is because online is much much harder than live and therefore competition is much harder. Same goes for tournament. You should also never look how many people you can beat in tournament, look in terms of %, the # of people means absolutely nothing. Coming in 1500/3000 or even 1500/5000 is coming in 50% to 30% which means you will never be able to cash online since the payout is for 20% of the player pool. And again if you play the same buyin for tournament you will not even get close to 50%. So I hope you really stop blaming the RNG or if sites are rigged and instead try to improve your game.

Just because the number of player pool online is always similar does not mean the site is rigged! There is always a certain change of active players. Take GGPoker for example, there are around 60k active people at 12pm and 150k at 1am. If you are telling me Pokerstars is rigged I really think you should not play poker online because this site has been around for years and is the most trust worthy site out there. If you are concerned about bots which most sites are able to get rid of should not be a problem to good winning players.

SNG are not time based as scheduled tournaments are. As SNG is getting more popular now a days people still like to play the scheduled tournaments since there is a bigger payout.

And I am sorry your 4th paragraph is just garbage. Because if you tell me that you never made a hand after you folded in live poker then you just didn’t play enough poker.
Poker Orifice

Poker Orifice

And Still...
Platinum Level
Jan 19, 2008
Total posts
Let's start with this...

Coding a Random Number Generator (RNG) for a Texas Hold'em Game has to be one of the simplest coding projects ever....

Correct... but...

Coding it to favor some players over others & to do so in a manner that goes undetected = not easy at all
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Poker Orifice

Poker Orifice

And Still...
Platinum Level
Jan 19, 2008
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If RnG's are random how come I can finish 1500th or better in 3000-5000 person tourneys all the time beating out 3500 people or more regularly but I cant win or get a high cash in 500 man tourneys at the same price point where I only have to beat out 499 players hardly ever? Because if i did that I would be a cash positive winning poker player. And dont tell me its game structure because i am not talking regular compared to hyper turbo tourneys either im talking about the same or very similar structures.


So in the 5,000 player tournament you can beat out ~2/3 of the players, finishing in the top 35% or though.... and in a 500 player tourney you think you should therefore finish in the top 0.2% (or a 'high cash'... I'm assuming you mean in the top 1% or 2% (ie final table finish)

Yah.... that makes sense.:confused::confused:

With the mathematical ability you're able to express to us here, I'm actually surprised you've even figured out whether 'three of the same' beats 'two pair'



Rock Star
Silver Level
Nov 30, 2018
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I believe they are. But if they are not some people's actions are random so I would try to map this randomness instead of the machine code's randomness.