Bronze Level
Making some money, parlay, then it turns
I was at a defunct site, had a little money, decided I was done that site, cashed out, opened account at another site. Of course, it was the genius parlay; I take my luck from one site, transfer that good juju to new site.
Didn't work out. I parlayed my good fortune to new site, where I could not win. After a period of time, I cashed out of the no luck site.
Play a variety of sites, with small bank at each site.
It has worked out well, I don't get burned out on playing only one site, with players, who might have a book of notes on me.
I was at a defunct site, had a little money, decided I was done that site, cashed out, opened account at another site. Of course, it was the genius parlay; I take my luck from one site, transfer that good juju to new site.
Didn't work out. I parlayed my good fortune to new site, where I could not win. After a period of time, I cashed out of the no luck site.
Play a variety of sites, with small bank at each site.
It has worked out well, I don't get burned out on playing only one site, with players, who might have a book of notes on me.