Details please, mister. I already successfully adapted your late registration approach, maybe I can learn from this tactic too.
Here are some things to pay attention to (many you probably already know):
Specific stack sizes while approaching the money bubble - Your overall position (i.e. 20/30 with 27 getting paid) is very important, but the specific stack sizes of the players around your position is MORE IMPORTANT. There are many ways you can be in this position (20/30 with 27 paid) and they can significantly alter how you should approach the bubble. For example, players 18 through 30 could all have 12BB or less and are all playing extremely tight, making it hard for you/us to simply fold ITM and take a flip later. If you took this approach, you will fold down to a super tiny stack and still not necessarily give yourself a good chance of cashing. If the specific stacks were totally different (lets say players 25-30 have 5-10BB stacks and you have 22BB meaning you are clearly separated from the pack of shortstacks) and the table is playing aggressively, you would be in much better shape to simply fold everything but premium hands, and just wait to get ITM before taking any moderate spots. Hopefully you can see how these specifics can change your approach, and how multi-tablers simply don't have the time to be able to look this deeply while playing.
PKO Decisions for Stacks - I often see mistakes made by mutli-tablers in PKOs, where they simply don't recognize how large a players bounty is! I have seen ridiculous folds preflop, where a player wasn't willing to invest 2-3BBs for a chance at a 5BI bounty!
ICM Suicide - This is very similar to #2, because it is players who are too distracted from multi-tabling to realize the situation they are facing. They will fold from the BB, facing a 3BB jam or something similar (giving the SS a free double up without having to show a card!). The converse of this also happens, where a player will overjam (like 30-40BB) in a spot not realizing either: A) The player behind them has them covered and hasn't acted yet; or B) It's literally on the bubble and there are 3-4 shortstacks with 5BB or less! The misunderstanding of the situation has cost many players, and will quickly add up to diminish profits over the longrun.
I will just start with these 3, and see where our conversation leads us.