Rock Star
Platinum Level
Playing poker while drunk? Equal to Suicide:Roflmao:jobb, ha egyáltalán nem játszol részegen, nem vezet semmi jóra, és még így is jó sok pénzt veszíthetsz
Playing poker while drunk? Equal to Suicide:Roflmao:jobb, ha egyáltalán nem játszol részegen, nem vezet semmi jóra, és még így is jó sok pénzt veszíthetsz
At least I would finish the game...Semmit sem tehetsz az így viselkedő játékosok ellen, akár ittasak, akár más helyzetben, csak a játékodra kell koncentrálnod.
You pretty much see it here every Thursday, Friday and Saturday night/early morning. They get empty pockets . One could probably make a pretty decent living here just playing those 3 nights and avoiding the casino every other day of the week. The biggest issue would be you still need a working partner and I don't know any good women that are gonna put up with a partner that has that kinda lifestyle. And who honestly wants to sit around a bunch of overly drunk people 3 nights a week as a sober person? No one cause it's hell on earth. Which 1/2 and 2/5 doesn't pay enough for that.I'm sure many people play drunk, although I don't think they'd get much out of it.
You can have a beer or two, as a sort of antispasmodic, but sitting down drunk and sacrificing your own money is a great luxury.