I experienced a real bad beat last weekend on
This guy had around 70% VPIP and was constantly raising and 3-betting. Nobody was able to take him down. The few times people called him all the way to showdown, he had decent hands. He was up around 400bbs in a max 100 buy in.
I perked up as I saw the AKs on my screen. I'm on the button. Villain raises, I make a 3-bet he 4-bets, I call.
The flop is A, 6, 9 rainbow.
Villain raises. I reraise. Villain goes all in. I call. Our effective stack is 250bb.
Villain shows his cards, I don't believe it. He has nothing, as I suspected.
J3o. I'm getting excited for my 500bb.
The turn comes and it's a 3.
No biggy, literally can only best me if he gets another 3.
River comes and you've guessed it. Of course it was another 3.
I burst out laughing. It's not a lot of money, but I just thought it seemed ridiculous.
That's my bad beat, I decided I'd had enough of poker that day.