Silver Level
"BELIEF IS NO SUBSTITUTE FOR KNOWLEDGE".Well as a beginner, lets make a long good story short, having a good time and dont know much about texas holdem, but as it may stand im sitting next to a good holdem player, actually im only 30 and he is 70, and here comes the dumb question, hey, do you know anything about texas holdem, well by golly did I get to learn be care full what you ask for, you just might get it, we talked and yes I love my old timers, its called respect for you elders, try it some time it might work, any way he told me and gave me 3 warnings, your about to go with the best of the best, I had to really think about it, but then I said well doyle never said no to make it to where he is by saying no, so I went, had a good time and guess what, I only won 1 dollar, thats right one dollar, so im thinking about my rigged post and how now one believes me, well lets just say this, I did get a pair of aces the table loves me, but my best hand was 2 of a kind, 4 hours of play and im watchning other tables, well guess its time for someones to start kissing my ass, cause I lost online only on the river, its always the river, but not in real life, gee I have no words, but here are my words, no straigts, no flushes, no 4 of a kinds, I knew I was rigtht, and like the players said, or as I said, I play online poker, they said this is NOT online poker this is REAL poker. By Golly I have no words. Guess in all fairness just blew the bull shit argument of so many hands per hour out the door on that one, cheers, had a great time, learning but watching and calling it like I see it.
(*Just some old guy)