Rock Star
Bronze Level
That is both true and false. There is no unemployment in Denmark. Everybody can easily get a job. And if you have had a job for circa a year - and lose your job - you get unemployment benefit for at least two years. And if you still do not have a job, you get “kontanthjælp” which is lower. About €1500@Jean-Guy
Then why didn't You warned me before?
If romanians are treated like criminals I don't want to be raped or killed in prison
I don't want to scam You but this îs what someone from the discord server said :
The pertinent legislation is this:
```2.2.3. »Førstegangsarbejdssøgende«
EU-borgere kan frit rejse til et andet EU-land for at søge arbejde. Da kontanthjælp og starthjælp ikke er en særlig støtte til arbejdssøgning, har EU-borgere, der søger arbejde i Danmark som førstegangsarbejdssøgende, ikke ret til denne hjælp. Sådanne »førstegangsarbejdssøgende« er således EU-borgere, der søger arbejde, men endnu ikke har fundet arbejde, der har givet dem status som arbejdstager i opholdslandet.```
Which basically means that you are not entitled to unemployment benefits, if you have no previous employment in Denmark.
Discord îs a chat server where You talk with others! I didn't want to offend You!I mean it!
pro month. If you are offered a job you must take it. If you say no you get zero kroner.
Should you at some time come to my country you are welcome to contact me. I am a professor in Nordic Languages at University of Copenhagen. Some Danes don’t like immigrants. Sad but true.