I think the answer is pretty easy. Go to shark scope and look at your stats. It's a math based game and the numbers don't lie. After a few thousand games, what is your ROI (return on investment)?
umm what happens when
sharkscope is wrong?
which in my case is 100% true.
I never deposited in life till jan this year to try out bitcoin on some sites
I withdrew 600 in 2015 and 800 in 2016 off acr
It says I am down 263 something says first game is nov 21 2014
now my first game was jan 2003 on acr since then its folded up sites and got everything messed up by me and now my handle thetick33777 is from doyles room which says ive played since 2005 now ive played pokerhost supposably since about that time so maybe some of the confusion but host is from 2006 lol so
sharkscope is wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy off on all my stats so is what it is
i did block sharkscope at one point for over year also and that messed up things more
So if you looked at me youd think im a losing player ... yet somehow my total deposit history on wpn is 35 dollars lol so emmm ya great job sharkscope lol