Sir I like the answer it was a cash game and I hold QQ . 2 opponent 1 from mid position and villain from cut of called my 4x preflop raise. Flop comes 7spades 10 hearts J spades. I bet 3/4 of pot mid pos. Fold, and villain called from cut off turn comes J of diamond , I check he Bet pot size I call. River comes 9of spade I checked again he bet all-in and I fold . He show K10. What should I do in this situation . He makes me fold
First of all, in your original post you said the turn card was a ten, and here you say it was a jack. Regardless you end up with two pair and 4 outs.
Secondly, you are in early position, being called both on preflop and on the flop with two large bets.
My feeling is when the turn card improves your hand to two pair or better, this card can also improve your opponent's hand - in this case a set or full house.
In this situation the decision becomes questionable and difficult. Depending on your method of play and what you think your opponent has, you can bet or check accordingly. My personal choice would be to check.