I have a question regarding the pre-flop lesson. In "Factors Affecting Pre-Flop Ranges Part 2" Stack Sizes.
The lesson states to play fewer hands short stacked and more speculative hands when deep stacked.
Should we not open more when short stacked and Be more concerned about chip preservation when deep stacked and have a much tighter range? I would intuitively believe that the worst thing you can do with a deep stack is play too many hands and have your big stack chipped away playing speculative hands.
it's a very interesting video on pre-flop and the best think i learned is effective stack and how to correlate it to big blind.
i was always comparing my stack to other while playing.
but i never use to compare with big blindes who is such a better method and rapid method to use while playing tournament.
thank you for this day course and since now everyhand will remind me katie first course
Nice lesson! This is lighter than the previous ones! Helps me with the SB range, I think I am playing very tight from that position. Effective stack is an easy concept but a very important one!
Looking forward to get to the defending the BB part! That would be very helpful for me!
Great stuff
gl gl gl
Matt, sometimes that happens to everyone, you just get bad hand after bad hand. Don't worry! Just play your best. If you have a profitable situation to get involved with, like playing a strong hand or attacking a weak opponent with a junky hand, then do it. Otherwise fold and move on to the next one even if you've been folding a lot. The system works in the long run even if sometimes you spend a tourney mostly folding![]()
I folded this hand. After reading The Guide to Preflop I believe I made the wrong decision.. The range I had on Villain was wide AKo - 47s.
Should I Have Re-raised 12BB or possibly shoved All In
Thankyou :banghead:
Hi guys. Firstly I'd just like to thank Collin and Katie for this amazing course and all their input across the forum (namely their AMA). Also I've owned Collin's book 'Sit 'n Go Strategy' for a few years and found it very helpful.
I'm just watching this Guide to Pre-Flop and have a question regading the K9o vs 3 limpers at about 13mins; Katie advocates raising with some better hands, such as KTo. Then Katie explains some hands she'd like to limp with - low pocket pairs and weakish suited connectors. So I'd just like to know, does that mean you would fold K9o here (assuming no strong reads on the limpers)?
Thanks again for everything.
Finished Day #6.
The basics of preflop hand selection.
This was the first pure strategy course, and it was extremely important. I will study it furthermore, because bad preflop play = a losing tournament player.
I will give my answer to the question:
-Effective stack: 23bb (Coolman20000's stack).