you might wont to add this in somewhere this is a list of all the poker hands i could possibly find meanings for some people might have other ones that they would like to add
A A- American Airlines, Bullets, Pocket Rockets, Sharp Tops
A K- Big Slick, Salt Lake Pair, Anna Kournikova
A Q- Ice Cream, Big Chick
A J- Ajax, Jackass, Blackjack
A 10- Johnny Moss, Bookends
A 9- Jesus, Rounders hand
A 8- Dead Man's Hand, Barely Legal
A 7- Red Baron
A 6- Mile High Club, Sweet Sixteen
A 5- High Five
A 4- Transvestite
A 3- Baskin-Robbins
A 2- Little Slick, Hunting Season
K K- Gorillas in the Mist, Gorillas, Cowboys, King Kong, Ace Magnets
K Q- Lucy & Ricky, Marriage
K J- Bachelor's Hand, Kojak, Jacking off
K 10- Big Al, Katie, Woodcutter
K 9- Canine, Mongrel, Pedigree, The Dog Hand, Sawmill, Pee Wee Herman
K 8- Kokomo, Kate, Monica Lewinsky
K 7- Columbia River, King Salmon
K 6- The Concubine
K 5- Rotten King
K 4- F'ing The Queen
K 3- King Crab, Sizzler
K 2- Big Fritz, Fritz, Donald Duck
Q Q- Calamity Jane, Dames, Dykes, Hookers, Mop Squeezers, Pair of Wire Cutters, Siegfreid and Roy, Hilton Sisters
Q J- Fred & Ethel, Maverick, Oedipus, Pinochle
Q 10- Goolsby, Q-Tip, Varkonyi, Quint
Q 9- Quinine
Q 8- Face Sitter
Q 7- Computer Hand
Q 6- Peanut Butter & Jelly, Lancelot
Q 5- Overtime, Granny Mae
Q 4- F*cking The King
Q 3- Gay Waiter, San Francisco Busboy, Windsor Waiter
Q 2- Daisy Duck
J J- Dyne-O-Mite, Fishhooks
J 10- Cloutier
J 9- German Virgin, Irgin Princess, Braggers
J 8- Jeffery Dahmer
J 7- Jack Daniels
J 6- Railroad Hand
J 5- Motown, Jackson Five
J 4- Flat Tire
J 3- San Francisco Waitress
J 2- J-Lo, Jew
10 10- Dimes, Tension, Boxcar, Twenty Miles
10 9-Countdown
10 8- Tetris, Tenacious
10 7- Bowling Hand, Split
10 6- Sweet Sixteen, Driver’s License
10 5- Woolworth, Five and Dime
10 4- Broderick Crawford, CB Hand, Over and Out, Big Buddy
10 3- Weinberg, Terminator 3
10 2- Doyle Brunson
9 9- Hellmuth, Gretsky
9 8- Oldsmoble
9 7- Old Man, Grape Fruit
9 6- Big Lick, Dinner for Two, Joe Bernstein, Percy, Happy Meal
9 5- Dolly Parton, Working Man
9 4- San Francisco
9 3- Jack Benny
9 2- Montana Banana, Twiggy
88- Snowmen, Dog Balls, Little Oldsmobile, Fat Ladies
87- RPM
86- Pacheco Nuts, Maxwell Smart
85- Finky Dink, California Country
84- Big Brother, George Orwell
83- Raquel Welch, Saturday Night Special
82- Sixity-Nine, Dog Balls on a Duck
77- Hockey Sticks, Sticks, Walking Sticks
76- Union Oil
75- Heinz, Filipino Slick, Pickle Man
74- Cambodian Slick, Double Down
73- Dutch Waiter, Hachem
72- Beer Hand
66- Kicks, Route 66
65- Retirement
64- LBJ, The Question
63- Blocky, Jimmy Summerfield, Sick Crab
62- Ainsworth, Bird Flu
55- Presto, Speed Limit, Nickels
54- Jesse James
53- Bully Johnson, Herbie, The Love Bug
52- Bombers, Two Bites
44- Sail Boats, Luke Skywalker, Darth Vader
43- Waltz Time
42- Lumberman's Hand, The Miracle
33- Crabs
32- Big Gulp, Jordan, Aggie Slick, Hooter Hand, Polish Big Slick
22- Ducks, Quacks, Deuces Never Loses