Silver Level
So useful post,got many new things)
I want to ask you whether you use holdem manager playing or not?)because i think this app is necessary..personally im not using it but understood that must...and thats why asking, to know what youll answer))
O8 - you partly answered it yourself 8- or- betterCan you explain what is the O8 = Omaha Hi/Low or Omaha 8-or-Better...
I only knoe that Hi-Lo is a "split pot" game, meaning that at showdown, the pot is divided in half, with one half being awarded to the winning best hand, and the other half to the best qualifying "low hand."
What is EP, MP, BTN stand for?
Very often, especially for the newest members reading the Hand Analysis part of the forum you will come across a lot of abbreviations. This isnt a definite list (yet).
Game Types
HE = Holdem
O = Usually Omaha Hi
O8 = Omaha Hi/Low
Stud = 7 card stud
Stud8 = 7 Card stud Hi/Low.
HORSE = Holdem, Omaha/8, Razz, Stud, Eight or better H/L stud. Typically fixed limit games. Game changes with the blinds/antes online, and at predetermined intervals live
FR = A full ring game, usually 9/10 players. (Some sites 8)
6MAX= A ring game, max number of players is 6. (Occasionally we will see 4MAX)
HU= Heads up. (2 players max)
S&G=Sit and go, once the game has reached a specified number of players the game starts.
STT= Single table Sit and Go.
MTT= Multi-Table Tournament, usually no limit on the amount of players.
NL$25 (or $25NL)= The $25 refering to the MAX buyin for the specified game. The blinds are defined as being 1/100th of the max buyin. So nl$600 has a big blind of $6.
NL = No Limit
PL = Pot Limit
FL = Fixed Limit
So if you see a thread starting PL08- It refers to pot limit Omaha hi/low hand.
Table position abbreviations
SB = Small Blind
BB = Big Blind
UTG = The first person to act pre-flop (first person after the BB)
UTG+1 = Person to the left of UTG
EP = Early Position
MP = Middle Position
LP = Late Position
CO = Cut off seat, the seat directly to the right of the button.
Button = Dealer (aka OTB = On the Button)
OOP = Out of position, generally meaning UTG, first to act on the flop, or calling a LP raise from EP, etc.
Betting Abbreviations.
Limp = Call the big blind (no raise)
Open Limp/Raise = Be the first non-folding player to act.
3-Bet = A re-raise.
4-Bet = A re-raise of a re-raise.
Light (ie 3-bet light) = Raising a hand you would'nt usually raise for value.
Steal = An attempt to steal the blinds/limps.
Player Types
LAG = Loose Aggressive Player
TAG = Tight Aggressive Player
LAP = Loose-Passive Player
Hand Identifiers
ATC = Any Two Cards
BDSD = Backdoor Straight Draw
BDFD = Backdoor Flush Draw
FD = Flush Draw
Gutshot = Inside Straight Draw
OESD = Open End Straight Draw
OESFD = Open Ended Straight Flush Draw
o / os = Off Suit
PP = Pocket Pair
SC = Suited Connectors, hands like 67 suited, 89suited, 34suited
s = Suited
TPTK = Top Pair Top Kicker
TPGK = Top Pair Good Kicker
TPBK = Top Pair Bad Kicker
WA = Way Ahead
WB = Way Behind
Poker Tracker Statistics
AF = Aggression Factor
BB/100 Hands = big bets won per 100 hands played
EV = Expected Value
HEM = http://www.holdemmanager.net/ A software program used by players to analyze things
HR = Hourly Rate
PFR% = Preflop Raise Percent
ROI = Return on Investment
VP$IP or VPIP = Voluntarily Put Money Into Pot
WR = Win Rate
W$SD = Won $ at Showdown
WSD = Went to Showdown
Tournament Info
ITM = in the money
Bubble = busting out of a tournament in the last spot before the payouts begin.
MTT = Multi Table Tournament
STT = Single Table Tournament
SNG = Sit and Go
AI = All in
B&M = Brick and Mortar (a live card room or casino)
CR = check-raise
HU = Heads Up
PF = Pre-flop.
PFR = Pre-flop raise/pre-flop raiser.
HH = Hand history
PSB = Pot-sized bet
PSR = Pot-Sized Raise
PT = Poker Tracker
FE = Fold Equity - The chance of a bet/raise taking down the pot.
OP = Original Post
Less Common (yet all too true) Ones
WTF: I doubt that was a sound play.
OMG: I am rather surprised.
ESAD: Eat sh*t and die
NH = Thanks for donking all my chips
TY = Totally blind to the sarcasm of the above NH
OMFG = Did you really just call all in with 84os?
GG = "I beat you!"
GG = "I know."
LOL WOW = I wish I could stab people through my monitor.
Why divided the bank?
unless there 8 is not kicker?
How am i supposed to know all of this ? I fell like a need some practice.
Why divided the bank?
unless there 8 is not kicker?
Maybe he hit the flushhttp://www.boomplayer.com/uk/poker-hands/Boom/18161753_AB70F1F0C1
What you doing in this situation?
Game Theory OptimalWhat is GTO?
Push/Shove/Jam all mean to go all-in.Define push and shove.
Stop calling almost every hand just to see a flop.I'm 'fairly new' to Poker. What/who is a bot and why are they calling me that?![]()