Absolutely, contact us with any questions on the 2nd once you're ready!
Hi Colin
Well, after watching lesson 2, I am very clear about what it means to be an aggressive, neutral and passive player.
The truth is that at least I think I have a little bit of the 3 trends.
Although when I see the
hands that you raise, it is clear to me that being aggressive when it has to be aggressive defines me quite well.
After seeing KJ's last hand and seeing how you play it... Preflop 3bet... flop check... turn check and call... and river check and raise increasing the Pot bet by 2 seeing your opponent's weak bet made me think that this is the real variant of betting, where your opponent retires.
Now my question is this, having read on a strategy portal that although as you say you must feel very comfortable with a passive player, in the event that this passive player enters a hand and is committed to the hand and makes call after call... Is it always advisable to show his aggressiveness to the last street??? Or is it advisable to always do the initial post-flop check to see what command determination your opponent makes?
I tell you this because there are many players who find yourself at tables where they take control of the action from the preflop, they seem to have an automation, whatever card comes out on the flop, although they don't even have a pair, their bet is a pot, on the turn 2 or more pots and on the river the allin if necessary.
How do you stop these types of attacks? with your hands very strong or is there any other strategy???
Thanks and regards to you and Katie.
Carlos from