Bluffing is as much a consequence of playing poker as aggression. To bluff effectively, you first need to know what poker is about in general. You also need to know many more advanced issues than just knowing that full house beats flush, four of a kind beats full house etc...
...So, You need to know, how important Your position at the table is. You have to play unpredictable PRE-FLOP (e.g. rise 2.5 Big Blind always).
You must have knowledge, of the mathematical probability, of hitting the strongest hand (at flop/turn/riva).
Then - You must know Your opponnent hand (it is one of the most difficult thing to do (in my opinion but it is possible).
So if You got this basics - You should to looking for best opportunities to bluffing.
Tu sume up:
play good
hands, read Your opponnts and if bluff- in my opinion turn is the best part of the game to bluff.
Even if opponent need one card to get best hand - it is alwayse near 5%-25% to got it - so if the size of Your bet will be large enough - it is possible to win without showing cards.
But it is only my opinion, so You must know, that I am not experienced yet to believe me 100%.
Answering Your question: I bluff and semi-bluff near 75% deals - it is too much, but I got a lot of luck. But I got a long term strategy.
So sometimes I am sure I will loose but want to see oponent hand to know his Playing methods and playing style.
Is it good way- I don't know. Sometimes I am playing for free some turnament with 109$ buy in

Once I was 6th playing CardsChat Platinium Freeroll

(but only once hihi)