Pocket Sevens are the best followed by Pocket Kings....always hit trips with sevens...and kings are much easier to lay down than aces......aces always make you overconfident
besides pocket aces... which i always lose with i like kk and qq they are pretty reliable since the chances of someone having kk and aa is very slim im willing to take the chances i would aa that i would with kk
id always had luck with 10's myself, as for my most hated pocket pair id have to say it would be AA, somehow they always get busted up when i get them.
Pocket 6's
i got 4 of a kind, one hand then like 3 hands later i got a set,then a little while later i dont know like 15 hands later i got full house all on pocket 6's.i was playing for real money to.
Anyone who says other than pocket ACES is not very smart... You might have gotten lucky and flopped quad twos one time, but AA holds up and WINS the most. I'll take AA vs. your lower pocket pair (+ LUCK).
Well I can tell what it's not and that are aces, I lose every time with them. I would have to say jacks because for some reason jacks are lucky for me.