We'd love for you to take part in our survey for the month of March, and in return for your thoughtful answer, we will give you 10 VIP Chips (good through the month of March, 2024). In order to get your chips, please provide a thoughtful response to the survey question. Replies are reviewed for quality by a moderator or admin before awarding chips.
Survey Question:
List the top three reason you visit CardsChat. Please list them in order of preference - the 1st being the most important.
- The top reason you visit CardsChat
- The 2nd reason you visit CardsChat
- The 3rd reason you visit CardsChat
Our VIP Program provides opportunities to collect VIP Chips that can be used in exchange for merch, cash, and special VIP tournaments held several times a month. For more information, check out our VIP Program Guide.
To be who I want to be with no holds barredWe'd love for you to take part in our survey for the month of March, and in return for your thoughtful answer, we will give you 10 VIP Chips (good through the month of March, 2024). In order to get your chips, please provide a thoughtful response to the survey question. Replies are reviewed for quality by a moderator or admin before awarding chips.
Survey Question:
List the top three reason you visit CardsChat. Please list them in order of preference - the 1st being the most important.
- The top reason you visit CardsChat
- The 2nd reason you visit CardsChat
- The 3rd reason you visit CardsChat
Our VIP Program provides opportunities to collect VIP Chips that can be used in exchange for merch, cash, and special VIP tournaments held several times a month. For more information, check out our VIP Program Guide.