...Survey Question:
List the top three reason you visit CardsChat. Please list them in order of preference - the 1st being the most important...
1) Improve my poker by learning from our experienced cardschat members in the forum threads. This was the reason I originally joined cardschat.com years ago. I recognized early on in my journey the importance of forum threads and learning from those better than you. Being able to ask questions and get quality responses quickly was a big deal to me back then and it is still a big deal I am grateful for now. If this wasn't the number one reason on my list, then I'd be a different person for sure.
Funny that it took me months of actively posting on cardschat before I even learned about the freerolls, but I guess that just goes to show how focused I was on asking questions and getting thought-provoking answers which could help me improve.
2) Daily freerolls: This goes hand-in-hand with my first reason because asking questions is usually passive learning, but it takes actual playing to gain some active learning. How cool is it that I can ask forum thread questions and then later go play a poker tournament against the same experienced players who've just answered my forum thread?

Of course I love the VIP program and really want some nice cardschat.com merch, but I really do value the experience of frequently playing poker in a friendly setting. I love hanging out with all of you at the tables and you'll see me typing many "nh" and "gg" in the table chat.
3) Building a bankroll: I'd currently like to use the freerolls to build up a small bankroll I can use for microstakes games and hopefully gain some traction in my poker playing. I still haven't taken that leap into playing (more like grinding) the microstakes, but this is mostly for other things in my life than it is about lack of desire for poker. I'm a college student (majoring in Psychology) and I have a lot of other hobbies I pursue a lot (one main one being chess and I'm very active on chess.com which explains why I valued a forum community so much and realized I would need something like this for poker if I wanted to excel at this as well). I also have a chess YouTube channel I started roughly a year and a half ago. That is slowly gaining traction as well

It is just that my time is balanced among many things and these factors together is why I haven't plunged into microstakes games . cardschat.com seems like a great environment to build a bankroll in the meantime though
For the chess players, here is my small YouTube channel; it crossed the 1k subscriber level (minimum needed to apply for monetization) somewhat recently, so things are slowly coming together.