Gostaríamos que você participasse de nossa pesquisa para o mês de março e, em troca de sua resposta cuidadosa, forneceremos 10 chips VIP ( bons até o mês de março de 2024 ). Para obter seus chips, forneça uma resposta cuidadosa à pergunta da pesquisa. As respostas são revisadas quanto à qualidade por um moderador ou administrador antes de conceder chips.
Pergunta da pesquisa:
Liste os três principais motivos pelos quais você visita o CardsChat. Por favor, liste-os em ordem de preferência - sendo o primeiro o mais importante.
- O principal motivo para você visitar CardsChat
- A segunda razão pela qual você visita o CardsChat
- A terceira razão pela qual você visita o CardsChat
Nosso programa VIP oferece oportunidades para coletar chips VIP que podem ser usados em troca de torneios VIP especiais, em dinheiro e especiais, realizados várias vezes ao mês. Para mais informações, confira nosso Guia do Programa VIP.
1° Learn to play poker with the material available and using the forum and study tools.We'd love for you to take part in our survey for the month of March, and in return for your thoughtful answer, we will give you 10 VIP Chips (good through the month of March, 2024). In order to get your chips, please provide a thoughtful response to the survey question. Replies are reviewed for quality by a moderator or admin before awarding chips.
Survey Question:
List the top three reason you visit CardsChat. Please list them in order of preference - the 1st being the most important.
- The top reason you visit CardsChat
- The 2nd reason you visit CardsChat
- The 3rd reason you visit CardsChat
Our VIP Program provides opportunities to collect VIP Chips that can be used in exchange for merch, cash, and special VIP tournaments held several times a month. For more information, check out our VIP Program Guide.
We'd love for you to take part in our survey for the month of March, and in return for your thoughtful answer, we will give you 10 VIP Chips (good through the month of March, 2024). In order to get your chips, please provide a thoughtful response to the survey question. Replies are reviewed for quality by a moderator or admin before awarding chips.
Survey Question:
List the top three reason you visit CardsChat. Please list them in order of preference - the 1st being the most important.
- The top reason you visit CardsChat
- The 2nd reason you visit CardsChat
- The 3rd reason you visit CardsChat
Our VIP Program provides opportunities to collect VIP Chips that can be used in exchange for merch, cash, and special VIP tournaments held several times a month. For more information, check out our VIP Program Guide.
1. Por eu gosto de jogar poker1) I visit CC daily to keep in touch with the people I have met on the forum. It's an opportunity to have interesting exchanges with persons living all around the world.
2) And I come here to support my team mates in the CC Team League. It's very important to me.
3) I also visit CC to try to improve my game by playing the CC games on PokerStars (previously) and on Replay now.
One to improve my gameNos encantaría que participara en nuestra encuesta del mes de marzo y, a cambio de su atenta respuesta, le regalaremos 10 fichas VIP (válidas hasta el mes de marzo de 2024). Para obtener sus fichas, proporcione una respuesta reflexiva a la pregunta de la encuesta. Un moderador o administrador revisa la calidad de las respuestas antes de otorgar fichas.
Pregunta de la encuesta:
Enumere las tres razones principales por las que visita CardsChat. Enumérelos en orden de preferencia, siendo el primero el más importante.
- La razón principal por la que visitas CardsChat
- La segunda razón por la que visitas CardsChat
- La tercera razón por la que visitas CardsChat
Nuestro programa VIP brinda oportunidades para recolectar fichas VIP que se pueden usar a cambio de merchandising, dinero en efectivo y torneos VIP especiales que se llevan a cabo varias veces al mes. Para obtener más información, consulte nuestra Guía del programa VIP .