Silver Level
1) the main reason I come to CardsChat, and the reason I found the site in the first place was to find free roll passwords for partypoker. I saw a free roll listed so did an internet search and found the site and signed up. I do generally still come here to find the passwords but that then leads me to check my notifications which leads me to the second reason:We'd love for you to take part in our survey for the month of March, and in return for your thoughtful answer, we will give you 10 VIP Chips (good through the month of March, 2024). In order to get your chips, please provide a thoughtful response to the survey question. Replies are reviewed for quality by a moderator or admin before awarding chips.
Survey Question:
List the top three reason you visit CardsChat. Please list them in order of preference - the 1st being the most important.
- The top reason you visit CardsChat
- The 2nd reason you visit CardsChat
- The 3rd reason you visit CardsChat
Our VIP Program provides opportunities to collect VIP Chips that can be used in exchange for merch, cash, and special VIP tournaments held several times a month. For more information, check out our VIP Program Guide.
2) To get feedback/discuss my thoughts and strategy ideas from playing online poker. I’m no expert - I’ve been playing for about 12 years since I met my partner who lives poker and it was a kind of can’t beat them join them deal. Recently I’ve gotten to a place where I feel I have the abc poker down and don’t have to think much about hand strengths, bet sizes, outs etc, and can start playing more advanced strategy, My discussions and things that have suddenly occurred to me are things I see as leaks, or things newbies don’t have a grasp of; so I’ve made some posts/threads sharing that knowledge as a newbie - because it’s stuff that long time players just do or accept but new players have so much to learn that I feel sharing it as I find it might help others.
3. The third reason I visit is to find out about things going on in poker - news, gossip. To rant or find out how other people are feeling about new features or games, if there have been security issues and the discussion and having people agree or be of the same opinion gives me confidence and reassurance.
PS - I’ve no clue what to do with the VIP chips and I just want to say thank you to the community here. Everyone is respectful there’s no one making you feel stupid, questions are answered in a thoughtful and respectful manner. It’s not often you find a place like that these days.
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