Shoot me I'm a newbie.
In a tournament, this is bad. In a cash game, it doesn't have to be.
I've started playing poker with little respect for the minraise, because as explained in the first post, it does not achieve any of the stated goals of a standard raise.
However, under certain circumstances there might be some advantages to minraising.
I've experimented with it at 6 max cash games against multitabling TAGs. I'd minraise now anytime I would have normally just limped.
Having multitabling TAGs at my table I often steal their blinds at little cost, since the multitabling TAGs just autofold crappy starting hands. This will make up easily for those times I'd have to fold the minraise to a re-raise.
It does mess up their HUD stats, since I will have maniacal pre-flop raise pecentage. This might help setting up a lose-maniacal image.
It will losen the play up. People will get annoyed by it and start looking for an opportunity to 'punish' me.
What do you think? Is this fishy?