drugs do not ruin lives.
people abusing drugs ruin there lives.
there substance abuse is usualy the result of external pressure.
ie... its not the ****ing drugs that ruin there lives. its the parent who keeps slapping his kids whos ruing the life. The kids doing drugs to escape and is likley feeling better when he is high than when he is not.
ie- the drugs relieving the psychological tourment caused by the outside pressure and actually improving the quality of life.
this is esp the case with cannabis which has numberous medical aplications.
think about paracetamol... every one takes it!.
its changes your blood pressure and alters your heart rate...
exactley the same physialogical effects as cannabis without the psycological aspect.
you cant just say drugs are bad period... then say but other drugs are ok becuase the government says so.
for ****s sake the people of the countrys make the laws and inuf people wanted cannabis to be legal it would be legalised becuase thats what democracys do.
then you would just say... ok, cannabis is ok becuase youv been told that by your government. i think thats a ****ing ricdicuous point of view and shows true ignorance regarding a topic that is clearley beyond your level ov comprihension or understanding.
it might not be cool (your applying a streriotype to all pot smokers you know!) but the dude didnt even try to sound cool . he said it becuase its his lifestlye.
if anything you ****wits are more likely to be acting cool when you go out to bars with ****ing greasy shit on your hair and creases ironed into your shirts whist you dring nasty tasting fermented vegetables in a moist and sticky atmosphere. thats hella cool that is.
leave cannabis alone and stop repeating what your government
tells you about it and protest against something realey bad like alcohol... the developed words social control drug of choice. thats the real killer... acohol has enslaved the whole developed worlds population stoped them learning more, advancing more and ultimatley made us all stupid (you, not be) again.
billions of people simpley work to pay for evening or weekend alcohol. If they didnt work they couldnt afford the alcohol, but they need the alcohol to work otherwise they wouldnt sleep properley and get dperessed.
cannabis cannot be used in this way. (or has not yet)
now leave it be, and accept your ignorant.