Rock Star
Silver Level
I guess you've heard that old saying, 'opinions are like @@@ holes, everybody has one'. That leaves the big debate over poker being gambling or not up in the air and not officially addressed by the law makers of our government.So it seems the supreme court should take this up and give the world it's 'official' definition on poker, whether it is gambling or not. And there will still be dissenters but at least we will have a leg to stand on for arguments sake. My opinion is poker is gambling, no matter how you slice it and dice it, a player puts up something, and in the adult world, it's usually money, against another players [again, usually money] wager. Now, unless you are the POKER GOD you or the other player cannot predict who will win the hand, either with skill, or mathematical computations, or reads, or anything in the universe as we know it. You have just committed GAMBLING. No one is concerned with 'long term', or bankroll management, or going haywire and cuttin a shine after a bad beat, or whether you play as a professional [ that is another term highly misunderstood] or just for fun, or if your a winning player or a losing player. A bird is a bird, with a bunch of different species, a fish is a fish, with different species, gambling is gambling, with many different games. I don't understand the whole big hullabaloo over it's nomenclature to start with. Hell, if as much energy expended in squabbling over the issue of trivial definitions were to be used in fighting for our right to play poker, laws might get changed in our lifetime.