I don't know what you expected to see here when you created this thread 😄 But yeah, for me too I would say that CardsChat is not only the best poker forum, but the best forum in general, because it's the only forum I ever stuck to 😊😊🤗 And the reason for this, I think, is 100% the administration and moderators who managed to create and cultivate such a community - overall toxic-free, non-judgemental, accepting, friendly, welcoming, open-minded, eager to help and engage, as well as themselves they are always open, friendly, communicative with members and are very innovating and caring for community, one can easily feel this. So yeah, it's me trying to rationalize why I stuck to this forum, because now that I think of this, it's actually scary to think how long I have been here 😱 it's very untypical for me 😅