Phil Galfond - Ask Me Anything!



Silver Level
Nov 16, 2018
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Want play omaha heads up Phil?:boxing:
Just joking:hahaha:
Good luck with the baby in December hope there is not too many teething problems:eek:
Awesome welcome to cardschat:top:

Thank you and thank you!


Silver Level
Nov 16, 2018
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Hi Phill, and welcome to our friendly CC forum :)

Actually, awesome to have you here, lol!
One question only: how much to rely on math in poker compared to other skills - in percentage?

Awesome to be here :)

I think that basic math knowledge and proficiency is very important, but anything beyond that isn't all that relevant if you have other skills you can lean on.

Being very logical, which is often correlated with strong math skills, is definitely more important.

These days, with all of the learning tools out there, plenty of different types of minds can get good at poker through different means.

As for how much I rely on math when I play: I do actual math very rarely, but I rely heavily on very rough approximations. Examples are things like: how much more often will he have a missed draw in this spot than the hands he's representing, how often would he have played each hand type differently on each of the previous streets, and how likely is he to play each hand type this way now?

That would be an impossible calculation to make in one's head, but I get a sense of whether the numbers are large or small, and a sense of how the different frequencies affect each other (multiplication), to reach conclusions that are hopefully somewhere in the ballpark of the true answers.


Silver Level
Nov 16, 2018
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How cool is this?

Welcome my friend and Congrats on an awesome year you are having.

:rock: 3rd bracelet!
PLO H/L8 has always been a favorite game of mine beside holdem.

And also the baby man they are a bundle of joy.
I have a 10 year old son and my wife just had my baby girl earlier this yr.

Uhm ok so ask anything...
I'm gonna go non poker.

Have you ever fished the Potomac?
And if so whats the biggest catch you pulled from there.

:top:Enjoy the forum.

Thank you very much, Dave! PLO8 is a really fun one. I prefer it as a cash game over an MTT, but I'll take the win :)

Congrats on your new baby girl! We've got a boy on the way, and this is our first.

Unfortunately, I never fished the Potomac. Actually, I've basically never been fishing - only once when I was about 9 with my friend and his Dad at a small man-made "lake" in our neighborhood.


Silver Level
Nov 16, 2018
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Hi Phil, welcome to CardsChat. I don't have any questions but I look forward to following this and learning more about you

Thank you, Poof. If you end up thinking of something, ask away!


Silver Level
Nov 16, 2018
Total posts
Great answer! thanks.

Best of luck on your business ventures.... especially the poker site! Wishing you great success with it! (hopefully Cardschat will get a bunch of sign-ups for it..... I for one will be there at the front of the line with credit card in hand (or bitcoin))

Awesome! Thank you for the support! It has been a long, difficult journey, but I'm thrilled with where we're at now and I can at least say I've learned a whole lot.

We've got BTC deposits allllmost figured out. I hope we'll get them in for launch.

Have you been a part of our beta testing sessions? You can sign up for the invite list at if not.


Jan 14, 2016
Total posts
Such a cool experience being able to sit and pick your brain Phil - big fan by the way!

What is the best way to read online players these days post flop? I'm finding one of the bigger leaks in my game is that I have difficulty accurately reading post flop plays - whether they are total bluffs or disguising very strong post flop hands because of the wide range of players at the micro stakes (10NL) where I live - especially newer players that I have little to no info on.

What signs might help shrink their potential range down to make a more informed call?
Poker Orifice

Poker Orifice

And Still...
Platinum Level
Jan 19, 2008
Total posts
Hi Phil,

Where can I get a description showing the difference of content between the Elite & the Essential for your site?

I'm 100% interested in checking it out (signing up to a Training site is actually something I've been considering doing again for the past couple months but couldn't decide on what site to join). Myself & a buddy are looking at getting back at grinding low stakes MTT's online & I'm thinking a month (or two... or three...or ??? ) of studying via the use of a training site would be a good idea. I'm just not sure if I'd need the 'Elite' content at first... or maybe I should just spring for it. (especially with the great offer of getting the 2nd month for free).
Is it possible to upgrade from Essential to Elite partway into the month?


Silver Level
Nov 16, 2018
Total posts
Such a cool experience being able to sit and pick your brain Phil - big fan by the way!

What is the best way to read online players these days post flop? I'm finding one of the bigger leaks in my game is that I have difficulty accurately reading post flop plays - whether they are total bluffs or disguising very strong post flop hands because of the wide range of players at the micro stakes (10NL) where I live - especially newer players that I have little to no info on.

What signs might help shrink their potential range down to make a more informed call?

Eek. My first very hard question :eek:

Much like there aren't many one-size-fits-all live tells, there aren't many for online either. Interpreting the story of your opponents' betting action throughout the hand, figuring out what hands are more or less likely based on each action, comparing that to what you're used to seeing out of opponents, factoring in bet sizing and timing tells - that's most of the essence of poker.

I could type for weeks and not be able to cover all of it.

What I can offer in terms of quick advice is to always ask "why?"

If he had a big hand, why would he bet the flop and then decide to check the turn on that card? Your opponent has a reason for everything he or she does - your job is to figure those reasons out - and "because he's a fish" doesn't count. Everyone has a reason for every play, whether they know it or not.

By the same token, YOU need a reason for every play you're making. If you're clicking buttons without a goal or a plan, you're not finding the right reasons, and you're sure to be making mistakes. If your reason is "because I have a good hand," try again.

I hope that's at least a little bit helpful.

Thank you for the kind words, by the way!


Silver Level
Nov 16, 2018
Total posts
Hi Phil,

Where can I get a description showing the difference of content between the Elite & the Essential for your site?

I'm 100% interested in checking it out (signing up to a Training site is actually something I've been considering doing again for the past couple months but couldn't decide on what site to join). Myself & a buddy are looking at getting back at grinding low stakes MTT's online & I'm thinking a month (or two... or three...or ??? ) of studying via the use of a training site would be a good idea. I'm just not sure if I'd need the 'Elite' content at first... or maybe I should just spring for it. (especially with the great offer of getting the 2nd month for free).
Is it possible to upgrade from Essential to Elite partway into the month?

You can get a basic overview on our Plans and Pricing page, but I'll tell you a little bit here as well:

With the Essential plan, you'll get full access to our Essential library (1,684 videos as of today) and 5 new videos each week. Almost none of them are "beginner" videos - they cover advanced concepts. I've personally made about 60 Essential videos, but other than me, the videos are made by professional low to mid-stakes players, who make their videos at micro to low-stakes.

With the Elite plan, you'll get everything in Essential, plus access to our Elite library (2,662 videos as of today) and another 9 advanced training videos per week. Other than some specialists in areas like poker psychology, these are made by mid-high stakes pros. As an example, our Elite cash game players must be pros at the 500nl / 500plo level or higher.

In order to make the best decision you can, I'd suggest playing around on our Video Library page. Though you can only watch 2-minute previews, you can see the types of videos released in each category, and the pros releasing them. There are some nice filtering options as well.

As to your question about the deal: If you register for Essential for your first month and decide you want to upgrade to Elite for your second month, send us an email and we’ll provide you a $25 discount which will apply to your second month. If you want to upgrade during your first month... hmmm... I'll have to ask how that works, but we'll be fair :)

Lastly, if you want to get a feel for our content, there are 3 Free Elite videos here. You'll have to open a Basic (free) account to view them - no payment info is necessary.

I have always firmly believed that players should invest in their games and that training sites are the most cost-effective way to do it, even before I ever made a training video. That said, you shouldn't take my word for it :).

I'd love for some of you who've been members or who sign up for the offer to tell everyone else how you like it and how it's impacted your game, whether the truth is good or bad!

If you give me a little more detail about your poker experience and your bankroll, I'll be happy to give you an honest opinion of which plan I think would be better for you. "Getting back into low stakes MTTs" sounds more likely to be Essential to me, but there are always other factors like your overall experience, goals and budget.

Let me know what you think if you at least check out the free videos!


Silver Level
Nov 16, 2018
Total posts
Thanks for the fun start, everyone! I'm off for now and will catch up with you either late tonight or tomorrow.

Talk soon!


Silver Level
Sep 30, 2018
Total posts
Hi Phill, I have signed up to the Essential Plan, I play live with some local pro's and a couple of them highly recommend your site, so this is a great opportunity for me to jump on board with this great offer of 2nd month free, my Run it Once user name is
( Pokerlife )
cheers Paul.

Also, I wanted to throw in a Run It Once offer for CardsChat members:

If you're a new user and Sign up for a month of either our Essential plan ($24.99/mo) or our Elite plan ($99.99/mo), you'll get the 2nd month of that plan on us.

To get your free month:
  • Use this Run It Once link
  • Sign up for either the Essential or Elite plan.
  • Post your Run It Once username in this thread & we’ll credit you with your free 2nd month.
Please feel free to email with anything and we'll be happy to help.

I'm looking forward to answering your questions and getting to know you!
Poker Orifice

Poker Orifice

And Still...
Platinum Level
Jan 19, 2008
Total posts
Let me know what you think if you at least check out the free videos!

Thanks so much for the response Phil. I think I'll start out with the Essential & then take it from there.
I'll be sure to share my experience on your site with fellow members here & have no doubt that I will get a lot out of it (I've had memberships on some sites many years ago, putting in a fair amount of study time).


Silver Level
Sep 10, 2018
Total posts
Hey, everyone! I'm new to CardsChat, but I've long been familiar with your community.

I did an interview based on your questions, which I really enjoyed, a few years ago:

I've been a poker pro for 15 years, and have played everything from small stakes online SNGs to high roller MTTs, but my expertise is mostly in high stakes cash games, both online and live.

For the past six years, I've also been trying my hand at some business ventures.

I founded Run It Once Training, which has been the leading poker training site for the overwhelming majority of those six years. More recently, we launched Draftboard, a Daily Fantasy Sports site, and have been working hard on launching Run It Once Poker, an online poker site.

Also launching a baby in December :)

Ask me anything!

Also, I wanted to throw in a Run It Once offer for CardsChat members:

If you're a new user and Sign up for a month of either our Essential plan ($24.99/mo) or our Elite plan ($99.99/mo), you'll get the 2nd month of that plan on us.

To get your free month:
  • Use this Run It Once link
  • Sign up for either the Essential or Elite plan.
  • Post your Run It Once username in this thread & we’ll credit you with your free 2nd month.
Please feel free to email with anything and we'll be happy to help.

I'm looking forward to answering your questions and getting to know you!

Quick question about the offer for the 2nd month free...

I set up an account a little while ago.. Haven't as yet used or had a paid membership (was waiting to have some spare cash)

Would I be able utilise the offer as I haven't as yet used/paid for a membership or am I not eligible?

totally understand if I can't too


Rising Star
Bronze Level
Nov 17, 2018
Total posts

Quick question about the offer for the 2nd month free...

I set up an account a little while ago.. Haven't as yet used or had a paid membership (was waiting to have some spare cash)

Would I be able utilise the offer as I haven't as yet used/paid for a membership or am I not eligible?

totally understand if I can't too

Hey SMT,

If you haven't had a paid membership yet you're still eligible. If you decide to go ahead and get a subscription just leave us your username in this thread and we'll credit you with your free second month.


Silver Level
Oct 11, 2015
Total posts

I can't decide between Ben Sulsky (sauce123) and BERRI SWEET. I guess I should probably pick Ben because he's a Run It Once Pro :)

OMG TYSM for the reply. Stop being modest, you're still the best. :D


Silver Level
Nov 16, 2018
Total posts
Hi Phill, I have signed up to the Essential Plan, I play live with some local pro's and a couple of them highly recommend your site, so this is a great opportunity for me to jump on board with this great offer of 2nd month free, my Run it Once user name is
( Pokerlife )
cheers Paul.

Hi Paul! Awesome :)

Let me know what you think of the videos or if you've got any questions. Good luck!


Silver Level
Nov 16, 2018
Total posts
Any Book You suggest for omaha hi-lo?

Sent from my SM-G610F using CardsChat mobile app

I've never read an omaha hi-lo book, so, unfortunately, I can't be much help here. If I had to guess, having not read any, I'd go with High Low Split Poker For Advanced Players by Ray Zee, but I can't vouch for it personally.


Silver Level
Nov 16, 2018
Total posts
Thanks so much for the response Phil. I think I'll start out with the Essential & then take it from there.
I'll be sure to share my experience on your site with fellow members here & have no doubt that I will get a lot out of it (I've had memberships on some sites many years ago, putting in a fair amount of study time).

You're very welcome. I'm here to respond :)

Make sure to post your account name here so we can credit you with the free month, and let me know if you've got any other questions!


Silver Level
Nov 16, 2018
Total posts
OMG TYSM for the reply. Stop being modest, you're still the best. :D

:) thanks, but I've been so busy with Run It Once that I am definitely a step behind right now. I still intend to get there again, but right now RIO needs me!


Rock Star
Silver Level
Dec 29, 2017
Total posts
How Do You Deal With Downswing And The Tilt with That?


Silver Level
Nov 16, 2018
Total posts
How Do You Deal With Downswing And The Tilt with That?

Everyone responds differently to downswings, and it's very important to learn what works for you.

For me, bad losing sessions make me feel pretty negative while I'm playing, but once I quit the session, and especially once I get a good night of sleep, I usually feel good again. Spending time with friends or family can help a lot too - I am so obsessed with the game that while I'm playing, it's like I'm living inside the game of poker, so taking myself out of that and back into the real world is what snaps me out of it.

Obviously, extended downswings are really tough, and like everyone, I've experienced my fair share of them. I have had the luxury of being able to take a long break from poker if I want to, so my policy has almost always been to play only when I want to play. Some people who are barely making ends meet off of their poker earnings don't have that luxury, so they need to find another way to get back to their A game quickly, even if it's unpleasant to keep battling.


Feb 18, 2018
Total posts
Hey Phil

Bots weren't a big problem back in the days with online poker, but we've had about a decade of development since and there is a lot of talk going around now about the prevalence of bots on online poker tables. More specifically, there is talk about covert collusion (sharing hole card info) and team play by bots to target human players. What are your thoughts on this and is there a future for online poker moving forward in the long run (or are we going to be looking at an AI battlefield)?



Silver Level
Nov 16, 2018
Total posts
Hey Phil

Bots weren't a big problem back in the days with online poker, but we've had about a decade of development since and there is a lot of talk going around now about the prevalence of bots on online poker tables. More specifically, there is talk about covert collusion (sharing hole card info) and team play by bots to target human players. What are your thoughts on this and is there a future for online poker moving forward in the long run (or are we going to be looking at an AI battlefield)?


Great question, puzzlefish.

Bots are no-doubt the biggest long-term threat to online poker. Though the kind of team-play bots you're talking about are scary (can achieve a higher edge), they are easier to catch for any site who is taking bot-detection seriously.

You occasionally hear about a bot ring that was caught by the community and not by the poker site, but you don't hear about how many bots sites like pokerstars catch on their own - my understanding is that they do a very good job and that they catch the overwhelming majority of them.

Smaller sites, especially unregulated ones, I would be more worried about.

We built Run It Once Poker with bots in mind at every stage. Many, many elements of the way we designed our product were largely influenced by them.

I think that as bot technology progresses, sites will need to stay ahead of them, and will need to get more and more creative. This is one of the reasons I'm so passionate about building a poker site - because I want a poker site out there that is forward-thinking and that will care deeply about preserving the integrity of the game.