Platinum Level
Strong memory helps a lot when you multi tabling on a non HUD poker site
Memory is very important in poker, and in the live poker particular. If our memory is strong, we can use it for readings of antagonist body language, poker strategy and rules, etc.. As for what you mentioned about your work and retirement, that is okay. You have done your job to the fullest, and this indicates that your memory is strong as You mentioned. So what you have to do is find an alternative such as poker or other games and hobbies that stimulate memory activity. I am glad to share this post with you. I wish you good health and good luck at poker
Thank You! I totally agree it is very important to keep your mind active, and Poker is a great way of exercising the old grey matter, I intend to keep dementia as far away from me as possible.
Great, I wish you more health, and enjoy your time well by not letting boredom creep into your life. good luck to you
When the fun Stops, STOP! (I will)![]()
The truth, it depends from the point of view how the person sees it, if he leaves any legacy, if memory matters ...
Yes, this is another advantage of memory, and it is not the only feature because memory is the basis for storing all the information that we learn in life, and poker is one of this information, and the game of poker has many information that we must store in memory. Read previous posts to learn about the relationship between poker and memoryYes, a good memory is very important. But only in order to remember that in poker you always need to keep calm and a cool head.
This skill will not be superfluous![]()
If he leaves a legacy, yes, it matters ...
When making decisions, individuals are constantly receiving and sending information. This information is processed, according to Kahneman, by two systems. • System I can be understood as the fast, automatic system, with little or no effort and no perception of voluntary control. • System II allocates attention to the laborious mental activities that require, including complex calculations. The operations of System II are often associated with the subjective experience of activity, choice and concentration, points out that System I is responsible for reading the simple things, which belongs to the common world that we have in our impressions. When System I works with difficulty, that is, some type of more complex problem, it is necessary for System II to interfere and process the information with more focus. In short, most of what an individual thinks and does originates from his System I, but System II takes control when things get tough. System I doesn't keep up with the alternatives he rejects, not even the fact that there were alternatives. Conscious doubt is not in System I's repertoire; it requires maintaining incompatible interpretations in the mind at the same time, which requires mental effort. Uncertainty and doubt are the domain of the System
Therefore, System I is impulsive and intuitive. System II is capable of reasoning and cautious, but it also has the disadvantage of being lazy. Apparently, it is necessary to employ moderate mental effort for System II to function properly. This condition opens loopholes for bias to occur, classified as a lazy failure in System II. To explain the bias that can occur in System I and II, it adopted the that's all there is. Therefore, our systems tend to accept with cognitive comfort statements as true that often go through biases of judgments and choices.