I saw this
Hi all,
I read about chris's challenge a few days before it was posted here, they also had a graph of his progress but I couldn't quite work out where he actually was in terms of
bankroll, anyone else work that out?
Anyway I would love to give this a go, as Egon said the hard part is playing those
freerolls and managing to keep those couple of dollars until they add up until you have enough to start playing the
real money tables, that first part could take a couple of months and would require a great deal of patience.
My question is when do you start the timer/countdown? From your first actual win or from a date, from the first freeroll you play in that you decide to do a challenge like this or like I said from the first actual money won.
I noticed that Chris's challenge must have been running a while so it wasn't posted like the day after he decided to take up this challenge so my guess is that it's recorded from the first win, anyone confirm this?
It wouldn't be a bad idea if there was any players here who thought they genuinely had a chance at achieving something like this and giving it a go, maybe starting a thread from a particular time and posting results until a certain goal was reached, or not. I know it can be done, don't know if I have the staying power needed for that initial build up, getting knocked out of the money on the freerolls so many times before getting in the money etc...what you think??