If you receive cannabis for medical reasons (either legal or illegal in some countries ) , I don't have to say it's good and logical , the answer must be obvious . In countries where it is prohibited , some doctors unofficially will recommend illegally the patients with serious problems to try cannabis to feel better , being releavved sometimes from pain . But the thing that most do nowadays , just for fun , smoke to get high , I have seen this is not good , it might or will definetelly one day hurt your health (lungs , brain function , etc ) , especially if you do it uncontrolably . Also some spoilt ass**** , especially young ones , have fun smoking to f*** more/better or whatever , and others who suffer by a chronic illness and really need help (it's not only cancer or reumatoid arthritis....), get very bad quality of ''legal'' cannabis in special shops which is rabbish , or cannot get it at all (for financial reasons or whatever other reason) or being mistreated/punnished severelly when caught , more than these young ass****** who might have more money , more powerfull friends , or just know how things go , how to use the right people in the right places to get what they want secretly , and take advantage and exploit system I really hate this . Also in many countries it has become less illegal or legal in very few , not for the sake of the sick people to have less pain and get some help as they claim , ( really funny to believe it ...) , but because of the statistical numbers , too many of their citizens get high for fun and we lose taxes and total overall control they think , nice , what can I say , every country's system works fine ..... I am not in favor of prohibitions , people should be more responsible on their own , states should stop preaching that they vote for new cannabis laws mostly to protect sick people's health , when actually they DGAF ....
Anyway ..
For better results in poker ?? I laugh ... it's not a good idea ., loose calls and crazy donk games will follow ... Don't fool yourself about the true cause when you bust your
bankroll , if you smoke weed ....