Ask Me Anything (Dusty Schmidt aka Leatherass in the well)



Sarah's Pet
Bronze Level
Aug 20, 2008
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Welcome to CC Sir..
Why does the play at higher limits, look like donkey's playing???
^^^ I hope did not get on anyone with that, you know what i mean...

Sweet Debi.
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DTB Coach
Silver Level
Dec 18, 2009
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Would you consider playing in some of our private forum games?

At some point in time that is certainly possible. Right now I haven't worked less than 12 hours a day in the last month prob. There have been no days off. So for now anyway, I can't commit to much.


DTB Coach
Silver Level
Dec 18, 2009
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Why 'leatherass'?

Oh and ty for doing this obviously :)

From the movie Rounders:

Worm: He sees all the angles, but he doesn't have the balls to play one.
Mike: Hey, that guy hasn't had to work in 15 years, Worm.
Worm: You don't think that's work, what he does? Grinding it out on his ****in' leather ass? No, thank you.
Mike: I thought so, too, all right? Now I know what real work is.

38 mins in.

I am known in poker for being the consummate grinder. My friends gave me the nickname as a result.


DTB Coach
Silver Level
Dec 18, 2009
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In the process of writing this book did u ever consider going the high priced ebook route witch some of the other big time grinders have gone with there books and pricing it at 1500$+?
Or was your intention allways to market it to the general poker community oposed to just small/mid stakes grinders?

Do you think there will come a point in the forseeable future where all the online games will have dried up(either because of more easily available learning material, changed legistalation or improvements to so called poker bots)?

I will never release a book for that kind of price tag. I like to see everyone do well in life. If I put out a big ticket book, then I am just helping a small number of rich people get richer. I don't want to be in the business of helping the rich get richer, I want to see people who are willing to work hard make their way in life. If this book can help a few people do that, then I will consider it a success.

I really don't see that happening. There are too many people who love poker. The chances that this happens are close to zero in my opinion. Towns like Las Vegas and Atlantic City don't seem to worried about fish coming into town so neither do I.


DTB Coach
Silver Level
Dec 18, 2009
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What tracking software do you use for poker?

Can we borrow your database to fight the "poker is rigged" people?

I use Holdem Manager.

I actually am considering selling chunks of my database or possibly even the whole thing. I will keep people posted on that.

As far as the poker being rigged thing, I don't 100% rule out the sites possibly having some mechanism that makes things marginally unfair, however I think that is highly unlikely and it is impossible that they are doing anything obviously unfair.


DTB Coach
Silver Level
Dec 18, 2009
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IMHO great question Sindri.

Given the relatively rapid progress of computerized chess programs, I do forsee a future where there will be some very capable poker playing software.

Dusty, do you think the online sites will be able to combat these programs when they do exist? Like maybe some biometric interfaces?

I don't for see a situation where no limit holdem will ever be beatable at any reasonable limit by a bot. I just don't believe making a bot that can beat someone like myself in a 6 max NL setting is possible. I could be wrong on this, but that is my opinion.


Silver Level
Jan 5, 2008
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Would you consider playing in some of our private forum games?
+1 .
Very good question Jd.
And what have you BBQ latley bud,we need to bump that BBQ thread,im searching right now.


Silver Level
Nov 7, 2007
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What are your thoughts on data mining in general (beyond just being against the ToS of most sites) and pokertableratings specifically?


Rock Star
Silver Level
Nov 17, 2009
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hey i read the book i am forming some thoughts not sure how much i liked it yet ? you seem to call for very liberal flush and str8 chasing is it the implied odds that make this proffitable over the long haul? also you suggest holdem manager [which is a pain in the ass to get going im not there yet] rakeback can you get them both at your site ? if a person already plays at PS & FT with no rake where would you go to get it? my biggest ? where did you get your disipline?
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Cardschat Elite
Silver Level
Jul 19, 2007
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In your opinion how much have the games changed in the past year? I know they have altered almost completely since 2005-2006, but what about now in 2009? Have you seen your overall winrate at 5/10 and 10/20+ fluctuate up or down at all from 2008 to 2009?

Also if nothing positive happens in poker towards legalizing it and making it a "legit" form of online gaming in the U.S, do you think online poker will still be beatable in 3-5 years? I know 50nl-100nl is pretty much always going to be beatable, but im talking higher stakes games at your level, what about mid stakes like 400nl+?


DTB Coach
Silver Level
Dec 18, 2009
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Is it ok to discuss politics?

If you had to choose between passing universal health care legislation and cancelling UIGEA, which one would you pick?

This one is not even close to me. I would take universal health care all day every day and twice on Sundays. It obviously depends on how it is done and I am definitely not interested in debating the practicality and implementation of it all, but the concept of every American having the right to be treated by a Dr. when they need treatment should be the goal first and foremost for any developed nation.

I think a lot of the back and forth is not republicans saying they want to see people get turned away for care, but rather they disagree on how to best realize the dream of everyone being covered. If there was anyone out there who actually was glad that x percent of the population doesn't get to see a Dr. then imo those people are pretty sad.

But given that it is done in a way that is fair for everyone, I don't see how anyone would not want people to have health coverage. The lack of coverage kills 45,000 people a year, which is enough to fill a stadium. That breaks my heart and I could never put my personal career ahead of the lives of 45,000 people dying every year (not to mention the people who have a poor quality of life due to the lack of coverage), many of whom have a family who depends on them.


Silver Level
Jan 6, 2008
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Thank you for taking the time to answer my questions.. Much appreciated. Best of luck on the sale of your book as well as your continued success on the felt..

Hope u enjoy CC and stick around.

Id like to know.. Is this your first child?

If so... How do you see it impacting your poker career?

If not how do u balance being a father and being successful at poker


Platinum Level
Jul 21, 2007
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Welcome to the Forum, most things I would have asked have been thanks for your honest replies.


Cardschat Elite
Silver Level
Feb 25, 2007
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It has been my understanding that is the best poker forum on the internet and I am excited to be a part of this.

FYP! :D And with that fix, you would be correct!

1. Are there any plans in the works yet for a second book?

2. There is a Private Message option on this forum. If you do decide to jump into one of our private games can you PM me and let me know? I'm really forgetful. ;)

3. I've been playing for over 7 years now. I'm studying as much as I can, and applying what I learn. But I still can't get myself into the "winning player" category. What is the single most item of information that you could give me to study on that might push me in the right direction? (Besides "read my book". I am planning on grabbing it the first chance I get)


DTB Coach
Silver Level
Dec 18, 2009
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JD, having read the e-book I think he's using HEM since he recommends it.

- A lot of players are still getting their feet wet in the micro-micro levels. Do you have any advice where to start if you were going to start over again right now? And any advice at what level some of your poker plays should start to be applied?

- Any advice for those who can't get rakeback at Full Tilt, other than play at Stars?

1. I would think of it as like an education. You need to start in pre school, then elementary, middle school, high school, college, masters and PHD. You have to be patient with it and "graduate" yourself. I talk about this concept in depth in my book.

2. I don't really have any great options other than to write Full Tilt and tell them that you feel their is a flaw in their business model if they are actually going to chase away an active customer because they weren't lucky enough to know rakeback existed before they created an account. Tell them that there is no way you will play there, but you will give them a ton of business if you are simply allowed rakeback. I had a buddy who did this and it worked for him. They didn't give it to him right away, but he was persistent and asked to speak to a superviser etc. and eventually they referred him to a rakeback company and he was able to get rakeback.


Silver Level
May 7, 2009
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I aint kept track of American politics much the past year but I recall from your stox blogs your a big Obama mama :p
  • What have been the best things Obama has done so far?
  • What has he done (or not done) that has disappointed you?
  • Other than Holdem Manager what software do you use?
I wish you the best of luck on your book.
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Jack Daniels

Jack Daniels

Charcoal Mellowed
Silver Level
Mar 26, 2005
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Are you satisfied with the questions so far?

Would you prefer to have more poker related questions?

Are there any topics you'd like to to focus on more that people can form questions around in addition to the general stuff?


Silver Level
May 25, 2007
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I actually am considering selling chunks of my database or possibly even the whole thing. I will keep people posted on that.

This brings up an interesting topic. In the recent busting of isildur1 by stinger for 4.1 million stinger says in interviews that him and Cole South and Brian Townsend(I think) shared their HH so collectively they could find isildur1's weak points and exploit him.
I think it sort of brings up a situation where the other high stakes guys who were friends didnt want to bust one another etc so the essentially 'ganged up' on isildur1 whos is a complete unknown.

What is your opinion on sharing HH like this in high stakes poker?

Do you spread your play equally across stars and Full tilt or do you prefer one to the other?

Thank you very much for spending some time on here answering our questions!


DTB Coach
Silver Level
Dec 18, 2009
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Dusty, if I may call you that way,

i'm a member at stox and i read your blog, so I know that you are both a really intelligent and a really decent person who cares a lot about the fate of people who are less fortunate then you are.

As such, do you ever feel that - from an unselfish perspective - you are somehow wasting your abilities and maybe if you didn't play poker, you could be the one discovering the cure for cancer or something ridiculously cool like that?

Obviously if the alternative to poker is to sell pest control services like Matt Bolt used to, then poker is a no brainer when it comes to career choices. But what if your regular job is actually both reasonably well paid and socially useful, yet you do make a little more $/hour playing poker? That's the conundrum i'm in. :)

Well I can only hope I am half as smart as you make me sound haha.

To be straight up with you I definitely feel that way to some degree. In fact in an article that Sports Illustrated did on me earlier this year they asked me that very same question and wrote about it. I definitely feel like I have an ability to make money that can ultimately shape tons of lives. So for me to walk away from poker and focus on my true passion, golf, is in a way pretty selfish because I could've made 7 figures that year doing what I do and could've used that money to save people's lives. So it is definitely a conundrum.


DTB Coach
Silver Level
Dec 18, 2009
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Page 136, you write: "Don't waste a lot of time on forums and block all the chat.". What are you doing here? :D

Well, I have a little bit of a luxury at this point in that I have worked so hard and done well that I can take a little break and try to impart some of what I have learned. :) Good question though haha.


DTB Coach
Silver Level
Dec 18, 2009
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Are there players that you wont play even at a comfortable buy-in?

What is your favorite older Muscle Car?

Have/Would you ever sky dive?

What is the craziest prop bet you won and lost?

Who is your favorite Pro to play poker against?

If you had 3 wishes,what would the 1st 2 be?

Ive ordered your book,and look forward to reading it.Ill be back with more Questions later.

Thanks for doing this,you have been a buzz around here this week and we have been looking forward to this!

Snow :cool:

1. I won't play anyone HU who I don't have significant edge on. As it relates to 6 max play, if the table has a fish at it the table could be filled with all other top players in the world and that wouldn't bother me.

2. I don't really like older cars. I like that the newer cars are more comfortable to me and have more stuff.

3. No. Scares the shit out of me. My wife did it though.

4. Craziest prop bet I made never happened. That was my challenge to anyone in the world for $1M that I was the best combined poker player/golfer in the world.

5. I suppose it would be fun to play Phil Ivey for some big bucks some day. I really would just rather play some fish though.

6. For everyone to be able to have an opportunity in life to realize their dreams. I want skill to determine who thrives, not luck and connections. My 2nd wish would be selfish. I would like to win the US Open.

Thanks for the support. I hope you love the book.


DTB Coach
Silver Level
Dec 18, 2009
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What is your favorite swear word for ratholing shortstackers? Also, are you mad at Ed Miller for coaching them?

I don't hold anything against Ed. I just foind out yesterday that he was coaching them anyway. Whatever Ed does is fine, it is the poker rooms I have a beef with. I am glad they seem to be putting an end to that.

I like to bust the short stackers and say, "take that you little bitch stacker." :D


DTB Coach
Silver Level
Dec 18, 2009
Total posts
Did you ever have a "AHAH" moment in your poker career?

Anything else you would rather do for a living?

How do you chill out?

Favourite type of TV?

What pisses you off?


1. Yeah I realized that you need to be relentlessly aggressive. That you can have the best of it simpley by betting all 3 streets against most passive opponents.

2. I would rather be in some crazy position to change the world. So I would want Warrne Buffet wealth and then do stuff like tell every homeless shelter in the country to place their clients into a home next week and I will pick up the tab. Stuff like that. I have goals to make a billion dollars someday. I want to give away at least 990 million of it.

3. I don't chill out. Maybe a few hours a week at most. I mostly either work hard or play hard. So I might work 60 hours a week for 2 weeks and then take a week off and rent a ocean front room in Maui for a week. I am basically either working hard or doing something that is what I call "productively fun." What I mean by that is that it is important to my success as a human being that I give myself some rewards for doing well. So a trip to Maui in this case is my reward, but in some strange way it circles back to help my career.

4. I like the Office prob the best. Love that show.

5. Greed. hands down. I am so used to hanging out with rich people because I play a lot of golf and I can't stand like 95%+ of them. Everything is all about material goods and there is just never anyone I meet that ever talks about the good they can do with what they have. I just don't understand why people think they need 90 million dollars. They act like they can buy eternal life if they get that much or something. I think the idea of wanting to make a ton of money is perfectly fine. It is a way of competing and keeping score for a lot of people. Nothing wrong with that. But the part where they want to keep it all for themselves and hold onto it for dear life until they are too old to even enjoy it anyway really pisses me off to be honest.


DTB Coach
Silver Level
Dec 18, 2009
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i apologize if you've addressed any of this in your book, i haven't read it yet but i'll definitely consider picking it up

do you think there comes a point in poker where a certain amount of natural talent is required to excel? for example, do you think the average 100NL 2ptbb/100 grinder could eventually "learn" to beat the 10/20 NLHE games online, via hard work, studying, and experience? or are there just too many naturally skilled (but also fundamentally competent) players at those levels to compete with hard work alone? if not at 10/20 NLHE, do you believe there's a certain level where this becomes true?

as a follow-up to that, how much of your poker skill do you think was attained through practice and hard work, and how much of it is raw ability that you couldn't have been taught?


I am a firm believer that the only thing that seperates people from their dreams (and I mean realistic dreams, not some 5 foot 6 inch white guy who can't jump who want to play in the NBA) is hard work. Anytime I ever ask myself if I can do something I always tell myself, "I have 2 arms and 2 legs just like anyone else, why the heck can't I do it?"

Take writing a book for example. I had never done anything like that before. But I just had a belief in myself that I had some worthwhile things to say and I felt like who could possibly go wrong spending $39.99 on something that I know down deep could help them make a lot of money some day if applied correctly. So I dove into it, read some books in preperation and just kind of figured it out as I went along. The end result is something I am pretty darn proud of and the reviews the book has gotten has brought tears to my eyes believe it or not. People have said things like "the book will not only revolutionize my poker game, but my life as a whole." And when you read something like that, it really makes you feel like it was all worthwhile right there. But the bottom line is that big things don't happen to anyone who doesn't have big dreams and a big time ability to do everything under the sun it takes to realize those dreams. I may not be very talented, but I won't go to bed until the job is done.