DTB Coach
Silver Level
Hey Dusty! Glad that you're over here at cardschat and sparing some time to answer questions...I've bought your book, I'm halfway through it, it's the third poker book I bought, and I can honestly say it was the most helpful and very different from the rest since my main objective is making money online!
These last 2 months I've only been reading books, watching videos, posting on cardschat, and playing freerolls on pokerstars and full tilt(won then lost etc...).But I really want to start seriously now, I'm going to deposit 50$ in 2 days on full tilt and so I need some advice:
1-I'm not used to multi-tabling more than 2 tables at once.Should i learn this right away?If I should, how should I go about it?
2-I don't have rakeback on any of the 2 sites...Is this a lost cause?
3-I can spare 4 hours for poker per day(Yes!real 4 hours like you said in your book).I need to set an objective. How much should my 50$BR be in a month if I play my A-game?(I'm quite good and been playin since 4 years...)
4-Since the other books I read were Doyle's super system and slansky's theory and practice, I think I play mostly by the book and I apply all position strategies and pot odds etc...to my play. After the many freerolls I played I'm not sure if that's the best play. Do you think I should change my play style for the micro tables I'm gonna start at?
5-How much bb should I enter with when I first start at the cash games?and at how much should I stop playing at the table?
6-Should I go all in pre-flop or should I always wait for the flop?It's hard not to shove with AA and it sucks to see them cracked when playing with real money!
7-When should I stop?How much should I win before I stop or how much do I have to lose (if on losing streak) before I stop?
8-Finally! How do you deal with the enormous amount of bad beats you encounter minute after minute on the internet?What do you do when you lose your quads over a suck-out quad on the river?Can I still play that day?If so what should I do before I continue playing?
Thanks in advance for taking the time to read and answer my questions Dusty. I'll keep you posted on my advance after my deposit through PMs if you would allow it. You're great man! Thanks for making online profit possibleand keep up the good work
1. Just take it slow. Add one more and when you are comfortable, add another. Most importantly is to take it slow. I talk quite a bit about this in my book, Treat Your Poker Like A Business http://www.dustyschmidt.net for anyone interested in learning more about it in depth.
2. I would recommend playing on poker stars where they have a built in rewards system that just like rakeback, but doesn't discriminate against those who signed up for an account before they found out about rakeback. It is a much fairer system in my opinion.
3. If poker were that predictable that would be sweet! Seriously though, I have no idea what to expect for you. It is often up to the poker Gods haha. What I do know is that hard work pays off in the end.
4. Good fundamentals will serve you well in any game. I recommend working on a solid foundation.
5. I would play with at least 100BB to develop proper strategy. Anything less than 100BB will require some adjustments to your game. Stop when you have an amount at the table that is uncomfortable to you. There is no need to stop unless you are uncomfortable, however.
6. You should absolutely try and get all of the money in pre flop with AA. That is never a bad idea.
7. That's totally up to you. There is no reason to really stop unless you are uncomfortable one way or another.
8. It ain't easy, that is why I hired a mental game coach names Jared Tendler. He helps me think the way I am supposed to and has been one of the biggest reasons I have had some of the successes I have had. He's at http://www.jaredtendlerpoker.com for anyone interested in checking him out.
Thanks for everything and feel free to PM me if you want.