$85k for 3rd in an ACR $109 mttHi Ashley!
What was your biggest prize you won?
I also find it easier to play well online. My best advice is to start with a low stakes event that you feel comfortable playing. If you've already been to that venue, it will help you feel even more comfortable. If you have a chip set at home, you can practice stacking them into different amounts and trying to quickly figure out how much is in each. Most of your brain power on your first try will be about the chips, so the more familiar you get with counting them, the better off you'll be.Hi ashley!
I never play a live tournament and want to try one can u hive my any tips how to play in live events it's easier online no preasure
I haven't been to the Commerce in LA in a long time, but I really didn't enjoy it. The rake is high, attitudes are rude and unfriendly and it felt dirty. I wouldn't go back, so I'd say that was the worst in my opinion.Hey Ashley,
What is the worse poker room you have played in?
How often do you play cards and study?
It always depends on how your opponents are playing. If everyone is wild and crazy, you will make more chips by waiting for good hands and getting them to pay you off with worse. If everyone is playing carefully, you'll make more money by aggressively putting on the pressure preflop and postflop.Hi ashley is good to be an agressive player in mtt or is better to be a nit one? Is hard for me to have a balance what i should do
I had quit a remote job that seemed to be going nowhere. I had enough saved up to not jump into a new job right away. I had been playing poker recreationally for about 5 years at that point (mostly cash games), but decided that I really loved tournaments. I wasn't sure if I could make money just playing tournaments though. I found out the hard way that it takes mostly playing online at high volumes to make money in tournaments.Hey Ashley, How did you transition from amateur to pro? What things did you feel the need to fix, sort out and study to have a good chance of success?
so many joyful moments!! I loved going to RunItUp Reno events! We would play mixed games that nobody knew how to play for $125 or something and everyone had a blast. I also had a great time playing the tag team cash game at the Lodge. You have a teammate and share a seat at the table. You can tag your partner onto the table at any time! So much fun. Thanks for reminding me how fun this game can beAshley a big hello!
Any anecdote that you remember with joy at a poker table? something special?
Hey patrice- I lost $3,500 at the wsop this year. I don't mind sharing since it's on my youtube.Hey Ashley,
how did it go for you at this year's WSOP? Will you divulge some numbers or is it better not to talk about money?
how do you play now? I can't help you without knowing a little more info about your current style. Thanks.if you could help me with 3 things in poker to change my style of play what would you tell me about the 3 things?
I play on WSOP and Global poker. For international sites, I think ACR and GG are the ones with the biggest prizepools.What platform do you recommend, besides Pokerstars
All of them! haha. In seriousness, it's obviously best to have a big stack relative to the average stack. But if you don't, studying how to make the most of your shorter stack is a huge part of winning poker tournaments. Survive long enough to run good and win the whole thingWith how many blinds it would be ideal to reach sinal phases of an MTT?
When you're deeper stacked, premium preflop holdings will have higher chances of not winning by the river. It obviously depends on the board texture and positions of players in the hand, but with more money to play for, you should employ some pot control or you will likely run into stronger hands at showdown. Practice assigning your opponents a range of hands. Saying things like "it's rare when someone dares to 3bet a marginal hand" is a good start, but try to be more precise in your thought process. Does that mean your opponents is only 3betting KK and AA or do you think they could 3bet JJ+ and AK? This will help you throughout the postflop portion of the hand. I would be careful about assuming too much about your opponents' 3betting ranges at micro or low stakes until you see showdown. You could be folding to them too much or giving them too much credit for having super strong hands just because they 3bet.q ashley, could you please advise on the most profitable ways to play very strong hands post flop from early positions in deepstakes. this is often the beginning of the tournament and it's rare when someone dares to 3bet a marginal hand in such conditions and the game goes postflop, and if we're not talking about pocket pairs, then I have a lot of questions when I don't hit the board, because the ranges are low limits are very, very different, and so it might be better to open 2.5 bb at once, or just look at the table and think where we can throw aq postflop and against whom not.
Hey Denis- this is a common thing for people who want the experience of playing live. I'm not going to mince words here: If the stakes are high enough that they are causing you to make consistently poor decisions at the table, the stakes are too high for you. You will lose money overall if you can't take risks at the table. Poker is a volatile game where even the best play can lead to losing the pot when you're opponent gets lucky. If I were in your shoes, I'd stick to freerolls or micro stakes until I built a roll big enough to handle the variance of the game. Otherwise, you won't enjoy it and will be losing money in the long run due to suboptimal play. Good luck!Hi Ashley.
I'm a freeroll player who doesn't have a lot of money in real life. When I go to play live, I feel that I have more theoretical knowledge than the field, but I realize that money prevents me from playing at my best. How to make the best decisions without thinking about the money?
Haven't heard of it so I don't have any thoughts about itHi Ashley, I have a new question for you.
Do you have any idea about Yohan Guilbert's "Yoh Viral" poker training ?
It all depends on how your opponent's play, the board texture and what positions you're in. Example of when to be aggressive: Your opponent raises button and you peel the big blind. This opponent raises a lot preflop and cbets 100% of the time PLUS the board is very dry like Q73r. This would be a good spot to check-raise bluff, because they will have a lot of trouble continuing against you since their range is so wide. If they always bet again, you can just call your very best hands like 33 or 77 since you're not worried about any turns or rivers being bad for you.Ashley, good evening! Please tell me what is the most appropriate style on flop: aggressive or passive (waiting for the opponent's raise). If aggressive, then what % of pot bank should I raise (what % is the best in your opinion). And if passive style, how many turns is the best way to re-raise an aggressive player? Let's take a situation where I have nuts from the flop. Thank you in advance!
I think poker will be a lifelong hobby for me, even if I don't play full timeHi Ashley
quick question
Do you have an end goal when you would stop playing poker totally.
Or is poker gunna be a life long hobby.
Thanks in advance RhinoRyan89
I was dating a guy who was a poker player and I got interested in the game. He taught me everything online and encouraged me to try and play live as well. Now he's my fiance and still my coach, except now the poker lessons are much more advancedHi Ashley, I have a question for you if I may....What got you interested in poker originally? Like was it the challenge or the possibility of the money?
That depends on your deal with your backer. Ideally, those details would be worked out BEFORE you play the original satellite event.Ashley, If you have sold action to an event, and the winnings include cash and a seat/travel to another event, how do the payouts work to your investors?
To become a pro, you just need to consistently make enough money to satisfy your individual needs. If you have a high ROI across many hands/MTTs, then you just need to play high enough buy ins each day to make the income you want. I wrote an entire article about this here. Hope that helps!Hi, Ashley, i would like to ask if becoming a pro poker player requires proving skills and such (as some pro's say) for a year or does it depend on other… what does your experience show...![]()
There are lots of different kinds of tilt.. My biggest one was getting upset when I made mistakes at the table. It got to the point where I would not play for long periods of time because I was afraid I would mess up again. I learned that this was a form of tilt that I could master by understanding that mistakes are part of the learning process. I expected perfection when that is impossible. I realized that executing at the table is an entirely different skill, which helped me not beat myself up so much.Hi Ashley, how do you deal with tilt?
If you are playing tournaments with an ante in play, you can defend VERY wide to a minraise (every suited hand, every Ace, K7o+, Q8o+, J9o+, all paris etc). If your opponents are opening to bigger raise sizes like 2.5-4x, then you can't defend nearly as wide. If you're playing cash games without an ante, you must defend MUCH LESS. You want to defend mostly suited hands or the best offsuit broadways, all pairs, etc.Hello ashley !! how much i should defend my blinds i usually overdefend my blinds is thay really bad is better to be a nit? It's hard for me to balance
Hello! That one's easy: being on the rail as my fiance took 2nd in the WSOP Main Event in 2012! So much excitement and lots of high stakes decisions.Hi Ashley how are you? What is your best memory about poker from your beginnings to the present day?
I define myself as an aspiring pro. I make a small side income from poker and would like to move up in stakes enough to make a decent living full time.How would you define yourself in terms of being a pro?
You got it! Keep up the good work. Subbed to your YouTube channel.I define myself as an aspiring pro. I make a small side income from poker and would like to move up in stakes enough to make a decent living full time.![]()
Answer me one question please, how do I master luck in a poker game?Hi CardsChat members!
My name is Ashley and I'm so excited to join this community. I've been living in Las Vegas for 10 years now playing cash games and more recently, tournaments. I currently play $5/$10 on the Strip and higher stakes on live streams such as Live at the Bike. I'll buy in to tournaments as low as $300 and as high as $5k (with an exception for the WSOP Main Event, which everyone should try to play at least once!).
I have also traveled for poker events in many other parts of the world, including Europe, the UK, Australia, Canada, Africa and the Caribbean. I can answer a broad range of questions about playing live, traveling for poker events/series, playing on live streams or the general poker lifestyle.
My goal for joining CardsChat is to inspire new people to play poker and to encourage those of you who have a poker bucket list item to go out and do it!
Ask me anything![]()
I don't know if you already answered this but I would like to know: How to cope with bad streaks?Hi CardsChat members!
My name is Ashley and I'm so excited to join this community. I've been living in Las Vegas for 10 years now playing cash games and more recently, tournaments. I currently play $5/$10 on the Strip and higher stakes on live streams such as Live at the Bike. I'll buy in to tournaments as low as $300 and as high as $5k (with an exception for the WSOP Main Event, which everyone should try to play at least once!).
I have also traveled for poker events in many other parts of the world, including Europe, the UK, Australia, Canada, Africa and the Caribbean. I can answer a broad range of questions about playing live, traveling for poker events/series, playing on live streams or the general poker lifestyle.
My goal for joining CardsChat is to inspire new people to play poker and to encourage those of you who have a poker bucket list item to go out and do it!
Ask me anything![]()